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TheAcademy: Caning

⏰️Tisdag 25 februari 2014, klockan 19:00 — 21:00
📍️Nockeby, Bromma (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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"How to handle a cane or a caning" - a follow up class

This the third one of these we are doing due to massive demand

Tisdag 25 Feberuari
klockan 19-21
150 kr betalas i entren

MWxj and The Academy present a new practical workshop on caning. This is a follow up class from our sell out, 5-star rated workshop in November 2013 (http://www.darkside.se/kalender.php?a=v&id=20131007134800), but is open to anyone who attended or did not attend that class. No previous experience required but sign up early to ensure your place at this popular class!

In November, MWxj (Madam W and j) gave a workshop and demonstration on canes and caning, showing us the different types of cane, different ways canes can be included in scenes and most especially they demonstrated how to use canes in a spectacular live demonstration.

In this workshop they invite you to take hold of the cane yourselves, or if you would like, to learn how to receive its unique touch. For those of you who would like to hold the cane, they will give you a chance to learn and practice with different kinds of canes, different kinds of strokes and different styles of caning. For those of you who would like to learn how to receive the cane's effect, they will give you a chance to learn how in this controlled and safer space.

From either perspective of the giver or the taker, this workshop will cover all the practical aspects of caning, from preparation, to the caning itself, to after care and safer practices - all with a thoroughly hands on approach where you will be given a chance to practice with the canes yourselves.

This workshop is for all levels from absolute beginner to seasoned player, there is plenty to learn for everyone as it will cover the basics to advanced techniques.
j will once again offer her bottom for educational purposes as Madam W demonstrates each stroke and technique to full effect.

For this workshop we ask participants to register but also please let us know how you would like to participate - if you are interested in learning to wield the cane, learning how to receive the cane, or both, or simply wish to learn by observing.

Register by emailing info@the-academy.se
Anmälan görs till info@the-academy.se

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Medianbetyg 5

Recensering av denna händelse är inte möjlig, då den ägde rum för alltför länge sedan.

16 deltar
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