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SFW: Wish Uniform

⏰️Torsdag 29 maj 2014, klockan 19:30 — 01:00
📍️Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 18, stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Medlemskap krävs.
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(For English see below)

Nu är det dags. Poliser, militärer, brevbärare eller kanske flygvärdinnor. Alla ska vi samlas en trappa ned på Södermalm, nu är Wish här med tema uniform!

Som vanligt gäller den vanliga dresscoden: Kom som du är, men vi uppmuntrar dig med en ”thing” för uniformer att köra hårt!

Kvällen kryddas även med ett förhörs-tema och vi har bjudit in fantastiska Rosa till en workshop om Breath play. Workshopen startar klockan 20, med insläpp från 19.30. Workshopen kommer hållas på engelska, och här berättar Rosa själv vad du kan förvänta dig:

Introduction to Breath Play Workshop
In BDSM, breath play refers to the practice of restricting or controlling the flow of air and thus oxygen into the body of one or more participants. It is also known as asphyxiation. Fear and the lack of oxygen in the brain can produce a rush which is the ‘kick’ that people into this kind of edge play are after.

In this workshop we will explore the many ways in which you can do breath play. We'll talk about why we like this kind of play (from both perspectives, top and bottom) and then list the health and safety issues and the potential risks as well as ways to mitigate them. Finally we will talk in detail about methods and techniques to help you find the way that this type of play may work best for you or your partner.

If you have them and would like to practice or talk about how to use them, please bring along a gas mask or a hood, and if you would like to explore breath play involving water do please bring a towel.

DISCLAIMER: This workshop at no time endorses or advocates breaking the law or risking your health. It is for information only. I am NOT a medical professional, but have participated in this form of play for several years and am happy to pass on my knowledge to encourage play which is as safe and which encourages informed consent from both parties.

Lagom till den här festen inleder vi vad vi hoppas skall komma bli en stående aktivitet – speed dating. Är du ny på klubben eller känner att du vill lära känna fler Wishare har vi lösningen till dig. Vi informerar mer under kvällen om vad som gäller! Speed-datingen arrangeras efter workshopen.

Öppettider: 19.30 – 01.00 (insläpp till midnatt)
Entré: 60kr inklusive garderob. Medlemskap i Wish kostar 100kr/år och tecknas på plats.
Plats: SLM:s klubblokal på Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 18 (garageport, ring på klockan för insläpp).
Åldersgräns: 18 år
Dresscode: se http://www.clubwish.se/p/klubbinfo.html
Omklädnad: Separat rum ovanför entrén
Kontakt: wishutskick@gmail.com
Tillgänglighet: trappor ner till lokalen

Thursday the 29th of April: Wish Uniform

The time has come!
Police, military or flight attendances. It's time to reunite downstairs at Södermalm as Wish is bringing you theme uniform.

The usual dresscode still applies: Come as you are, but we encourage you who has a ”thing” for uniforms to really go for it!

This evening is also spiced up with a small theme of interrogation. We have invited the fantastic Rosa who will hold a workshop in Breath play. The workshop will begins at 8 PM, so be on time! It will be held in English and here are Rosa's own words about what you can expect:

Introduction to Breath Play Workshop
In BDSM, breath play refers to the practice of restricting or controlling the flow of air and thus oxygen into the body of one or more participants. It is also known as asphyxiation. Fear and the lack of oxygen in the brain can produce a rush which is the ‘kick’ that people into this kind of edge play are after.

In this workshop we will explore the many ways in which you can do breath play. We'll talk about why we like this kind of play (from both perspectives, top and bottom) and then list the health and safety issues and the potential risks as well as ways to mitigate them. Finally we will talk in detail about methods and techniques to help you find the way that this type of play may work best for you or your partner.

If you have them and would like to practice or talk about how to use them, please bring along a gas mask or a hood, and if you would like to explore breath play involving water do please bring a towel.

DISCLAIMER: This workshop at no time endorses or advocates breaking the law or risking your health. It is for information only. I am NOT a medical professional, but have participated in this form of play for several years and am happy to pass on my knowledge to encourage play which is as safe and which encourages informed consent from both parties.

For this night we will start what will hopefully become a standing activity: Speed dating. If you are new at the club or just feel like getting to know new people, we bring the solution! We will inform you about exactly what's up during the night. The s

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   http://www.clubwish.se/   wishutskick@gmail.com   vCalendar export


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Medianbetyg 5

Recensering av denna händelse är inte möjlig, då den ägde rum för alltför länge sedan.

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