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⏰️Måndag 18 juli 2016 — söndag 24 juli 2016
📍️Boesdal Kalkbrud, Stevns kommun (Hovedstaden)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Once again we venture forth towards distant lands, on the border between dreams and reality.
What is it that separates dream from reality?
Can you define the thin line that split the two?

What does that border consist of?

Every day we live our lives without fulfilling our dreams, we enforce that border, grow the distance between the two. We make the real more real and the dream more of a dream.

The purpose of The Borderland is to shorten that distance. The distance between dream and reality. It is a place where neither exist, and both exist. At the same time.

Dream and reality, coming together. In the Borderland between the two.

The Borderland is a participatory community where we co-create events and gatherings as prototypes for our dreams. It is an empty container, open to your initiative. It is an invitation to play, to reflect, and to engage.

In July 18-24 2016, The Borderland community will gather in Boesdal limestone quarry, south of Copenhagen, Denmark. It is a festival, where all the organization and all creative content is created by the participants. The event is for co-creators only, and not open to spectators. Registration happened on Feb 15 and all memberships are already sold out for 2016.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   http://theborderland.se   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
2 intresserade
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare