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Cancelled! - Beginners Kinbaku Course

⏰️Söndag 2 april 2017, klockan 14:00 — 17:00
📍️Linköping (Östergötlands län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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During April-May I will hold a beginner's course in Kinbaku/Shibari. The course will consist of 5 sessions, each being 3x45 minutes long and with 15 minute breaks in between. The sessions will be held every other Sunday from 14:00 and starting the 2nd of April. The course will cover some basic techniques and patterns but mostly the focus will be on building an enjoyable experience with your partner.

The cost will be a total of 3000 kr per couple for the whole course (that works out to 300 kr per person and session). There will only be space for 4 couples, and your seat will be reserved after confirmed payment. To participate, please send a private message to me here on DS.

Short summary:
When: Sunday, April 2nd from 14:00 and every other Sunday from that.
Where: Close to Linköping city, location will be disclosed to participants prior to the event.
Cost: 3000 kr in total per couple for the whole course.
How: Find someone to go with and send a private message to me here on DS.

Here is an outline of the course contents (adjustable after the needs of the group):

Session 1: We will start with an introduction and then cover safety, material, basic knots and frictions which we will apply in two patterns at the end.

Session 2: During the second session we will look at rope mechanics and handling with the goal to understand why we do things the way we do and to obtain a flow in our tying. We will do this by looking at the patterns from the previous session and analyse them as well as study some variations and extensions of them. If time permits we will cover a few "building block" patterns that we will be using later in the course.

Session 3: With the first two sessions we have obtained a technical foundation and gotten used to the basics. From session 3 and onward we will focus more on the interaction with our partner without getting dragged down by technical stuff. We will look at manoeuvring your partner's body and why it's important and we will be doing some exercises designed to create a better meeting with our partner.

Session 4: We will start off by covering some more "building block" patterns that we can combine and modify to fit our needs. After that we will look at a technique called "aisatsushibari" which is used to get to know our partner and from there we will move on combining the different building blocks we've learned in a bit of improvisational tying based on how we read our partner's responses.

Session 5: During the last opportunity we will start to look at how we can create effect in our partner with the rope. We will look at some different concepts and techniques and apply what we have learned this far to create an intimate and intense session with our partner.

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