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Urban Burn

⏰️Torsdag 12 april 2018 — söndag 15 april 2018
📍️Sickla Industriväg 6, Nacka (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.  Annat krav (se nedan).
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Welcome to Urban Burn – The Divine Dynamis!


Urban Burn Stockholm 2018 is the very bare bones version of a participatory festival, inspired by Burning Man. By buying a ticket, all you get is access to an empty room. If no one comes along and creates something, it will stay empty for the duration of the event. Everything, including security, ticketing, fire safety and even this Facebook event, is created by all of us. This is an experiment in creative freedom and participation, conceived, built, experienced and returned by nothing but its participants. Urban Burn is a non-profit event with no consumers, only co-creators. We start with 2000 sqm of empty open indoor space, we fill it with art, installations, love and awesomeness and then we empty it again. It’s magic, created by our communal effort and imagination.

There are no limits to our imagination at Urban Burn. The project could be an open stage for improvised performances, a silent meditation area, an interactive art project, a table and a couple of chairs to drink tea with a stranger, or a giant piano to walk on. It will be anything we want it to be.
Once all the projects will be installed, Urban Burn will culminate in two days of awesome celebrations, with a party aimed at enjoying the art, the beauty, the energy, and the music born by our magic encounter. The last day, following the LNT (Leave No Trace) policy, the place will be cleaned by the participants and left as we found it. The only permanent change will happen within each one of us.

Get your ticket here: https://burnertickets.com/urban-burn-2018

You can find more information about tickets here: https://urbanburn2018.wordpress.com/2018/02/10/tickets-2018/

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://urbanburn2018.wordpress.com/   vCalendar export  


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Medianbetyg 4

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