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Rope Cafe 2

⏰️Söndag 29 april 2018, klockan 16:00 — 21:00
📍️Noden, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
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Welcome to the 2nd ROPE CAFE!

doors will open at 3:30, we begin at 4

What is a rope cafe you ask? Its a different sort of rope ( shibari ) event.

For starters... Rope Cafe is a gathering of rope ( shibari/ kinbaku ) interested people coming together, drinking coffee / tea, sharing snacks & joining together in facilitated rope ( shibari ) centric conversation.

Everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions related to shibari. Everyone will be also be given the opportunity to share their knowledge/ experience & information in reply to the proposed topics in a facilitated group discussion.

This segment of the event takes about 1 hour.

Then we have a short break for social chat & prepare the space for an open ROPE JAM.

After this break the downstairs door will be locked so please arrive no later than 5 pm.

To set the mood, our rope cafe has a 30 minute time slot open for performance. This will probably be pre planned but it doesn't have to be! you can just decide on the spot to perform if there is time available & anyone can simply message me or write in the forum below to sign up. Think “ open mic night “ at your local cafe.

Then we move into the “open jam“ part of the evening. The plan is to tie freely in a quiet atmosphere with live musical accompaniment lasting about an hour & a half. There is plenty of chill space if you aren't feeling like tying & want to simply relax and enjoy the live music.

Bring your own rope & comfortable clothes you can move in.

*bring also a fruit & or snack to share with the group. enough for 2 people. vegan / vegetarian offerings are VERY much appreciated!

tea will be provided 🙂

Together we are responsible for creating a safe, social space that is inclusive & consentual.

Be self responsible, be kind & considerate of those around you, play safe & play nice 😉♥️

feel free to invite your friends. space is limited but we can easily accomidate 25 ppl.

Welcome !

* entry is free however please note that NODEN is a not for profit space where creative things are happening all the time. Noden is a DONATION based project and PLEASE think about making a donation to NODEN. The info for making donations will be available at the event SWISH or cash are both welcomed, SWISH is preferred.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/348288082335323/   vCalendar export  


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Medianbetyg 5

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