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Inställt - Uppsala Rock Nights

⏰️Fredag 6 juli 2018 — lördag 7 juli 2018
📍️KAP-området, Uppsala (Uppsala län)
⚠️Annat krav (se nedan).
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Uppsala Rock Nights har blivit inställt.


Uppsala Rock Nights är en nystartad festival med inriktning på rock, punk och metal som kommer att befinna sig på KAP-området i Uppsala!

Nedan är citerat direkt från uppsalarocknights.com:

"Uppsala Rock Nights is a new rock festival in Uppsala that has been launched to put Uppsala on the map within the rock genre.

Uppsala is Sweden's fourth largest city and we know that rock interest is large among its inhabitants, although today there is no good forum for our local talents to be seen.

This is what we want to change, with that being said, the first edition of Uppsala Rock Nights (URN) will take place in the KAP area in Uppsala, 6-7 July 2018.

Our vision is to put Uppsala on the map within the rock genre, as well as to organize a recurring affordable festival with as wide rock spectra as possible, focusing on giving our visitors a wonderful festival experience.

In order to reach our vision, local bands will have the opportunity to play at the festival, both established and unestablished bands. Of course, we will also invite bands outside Uppsala and Sweden to offer as wide a range of rock as possible for our visitors."

För vidare information hänvisar jag till;


(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   http://uppsalarocknights.com/index.html   vCalendar export  


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