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⏰️Fredag 29 juni 2018 — söndag 1 juli 2018, klockan 14:00 — 06:00
📍️Tumba (Stockholms län)
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Hello crazy fellas out there!

We are a group of young creative people that want to start a solidarity festival out in the woods in little Ulvsvik. This festival will be a place for music, dance, connecting and enjoying hot summer days. The festival itself will be for free and will only rely on your help and donations.
!!You can CAMP at the festival site or in the forest!!
We made a Fundraiser so you can help us helping you!
We are thankful for all the help we can get!
If you want to play as a DJ, artist, make your own Workshop on the festival or sell your own delicious home-made food or cookies please email to:

We came up for a concept which makes it easier for us to plan and invest in awesome things that can be made availiable on this festival. In this fundraiser you will have the opportunity to get 100% of your money back! Sounds crazy?
It´s simple, for every 10kr you donate you will get 1 Credit when you check in at the festival. With these credits you can buy food, beer and awesome stuff on the festival. So why should you exchange your money beforehand?
Setting up a festival is a lot of logistics and obviously costs a lot of money. As private people we don’t have a lot of money, some of us are still students. So, every crown you exchange today will help create this awesome experience for all of us.
Wait, there is more!
On top of that you can actually spend 100% of your donations. If we reach certain amounts of donations, we can do more and more cool stuff for you.
If we reach 3000kr in donations we will supply home-cooked, delicious VEGAN dinner and refreshing lunch at the festival.
If we reach 5000kr in donations we will supply laughing gas at the festival.
If we reach 8000kr in donations we will supply beer at the festival.
If we reach even more donations, no one knows which kind of crazy surprises we will come up for you!
!!!! “Supply” means that you still will have to buy the stuff, but you can do this with the credits you get from the donations or with cash !!!!

We are now happy to announce that we will have several different floors:

Silent Disco (3Channels)
Secret Forest Floor

There will be a couple of artists as well providing awesome live-art like graffiti and fire shows!


(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/193267731283865/   business@melanieisdemented.com   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare