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The Play Party - 4 Days Retreat

⏰️Torsdag 4 april 2019 — söndag 7 april 2019
📍️Ryd (Blekinge län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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TO PLAY: to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.

Example: "The children were playing by a pool."

Synonyms: amuse oneself, entertain oneself, enjoy oneself, have fun, have a good time, relax, rest, be at leisure, occupy oneself, divert oneself, play games, frolic, frisk, gambol, romp, cavort, caper.


Playing is most often associated with something that children do. But if we think about what playing really is (i.e. engaging in activities for enjoyment and recreation), then we can't deny that adults play as well, or at least that they should!
A play party is then a party where (in this case) adults come together to play. But how do we come together to play together? Answering this question for ourselves is what this retreat is all about.
In this workshop, we will use techniques from theater, dance, BDSM, tantra, and ritual play to come together as a group to form two play parties of our collective, playful desire.
We will first focus on group cohesion, spending time becoming familiar with each other, understanding each other's boundaries and how we can relate to one another as a community with the common goal of making a space where we all feel vulnerable, exploitative, and safe to be ourselves at our fullest.
We will then spend time building up to our first play party. We will dive deep into our most genuine selves, as well as explore using rituals, costumes, alter-egos, and masks to see how we can bring out, minimize, and exaggerate certain qualities within ourselves and see how our interactions with others in the group change, as we change. We will go both inwards and outwards, learning more about what we each desire for ourselves and about how our desires relate to the desires of the others in the group.
We will also explore exhibitionism and voyeurism, consent culture in a play party context, and how to use verbal and nonverbal language to promote the space we have collectively created.
Slowness and sometimes even stillness will be essential skill that we will gain more comfort in throughout the retreat, to allow interactions to unfold, and for the play to flow without the use of force or expectation.
We will discuss performance and how performance, sound, and setting can be used to affect a space, and the people in it.
Overall, the intention of this retreat is for all those participating to come out of it with the tools they need to go home and confidently play! We also hope to plant the seeds of the play party culture we know and love, and have so deeply been influenced by, of Berlin’s Schwelle7.

****Space and Format****
The event starts at Thursday 18:00 and ends Sunday 16:00/17.00
- depending on if anyone is leaving with public transport.
During the event all participants will be living together, immersed in nature within the heart of the forest in beautiful Ryd, Sweden.
We will have our own wood sauna by the lake - to nourish our beings as often as we please, with essential oils and yummy body scrubs. Accommodations is located in various small houses in the forest, some with fire places, including the main house where the bathrooms are.
The space is truly magnificent!
Sleeping options are both single and double beds, about half of each - first comes first. (so you may be sleeping next to some one)

The food will be vegan and and only organic ingredients will be used, the intention is to lift and support our beings with high vibrational food. This event is alcohol and drug free.

Claus has kindly gifted a extra night, so if you wish to land more softly there is the option to stay until Monday. There will be no official program and we will cook together.
Sauna will of cause be warm and inviting.

****Price and Participation****
You can participate in three ways.
(1) Assistant ticket, 2 available - you pay only for the food and accomodation (1800,- DKK) and assist with cooking, cleaning, and any other way
(2) Early bird participant ticket, available until January 10-2019.(2800 DKK)
(3) Regular participant ticket - you pay a full price ticket (3300 DKK) including everything.

Please bring your own sheets or rent for 100 DKK. (cash)

****Prerequisite and Sign-up****
You must have attended a event with Andy or Saara before, know Lea, or have a friend that can vouch for you. We will create a group that we believe brings the balance and diversity we want to the weekend. We aim to have twenty five people in total.

To Sign-up, please fill out this form:

**And we will get back to you with details on how to secure your place. We do this to aim for a diverse group.

** There will be no refunds if you cancel, you are welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else, as long as we all agree. If the event gets cancelled you will get a full refund.

As we are in the heart of the Swedish forest, if possible, team up and share rides. The nearest station is Ryd, about 7 km away, we will pick you up there if needed.
For public transport check out, https://www.sj.se/en/home.html#/
The address is Krokshult 5, 360 10, Ryd, Sweden.

Andy and Saara both grew up in Berlin's Schwelle7, a sex-positive space curated and shaped by Felix Ruckert.
It is there that Andy and Saara first saw the intermingling of sexuality, art, and performance, which has deeply affected their approach to sexual interaction, personally as well as professionally.

Andy and Saara have both been practicing many facets of BDSM for over a decade. Together they enjoy exploring power exchange, strongly believing that it is the top and the bottom that create a scene together, each with equally important roles and shared responsibility. They also enjoy the full spectrum of sensation, from the softest of tantric touch to the brink of sadomasochism, emphasising that all are means to the same end: being present in the moment.

Andy and Saara met each other as European practitioners of Japanese rope bondage in 2016, and have since begun a romance and partnership that has allowed them to travel deeply together within their sexualities and beyond. With Andy being a former organisational coach and massage therapist, and with Saara being a former research mathematician and competitive dancer, they both are able to bridge the languages of body and mind to give workshops that are deeply physical as well as intellectually introspective.

They offer this workshop, The Play Party, as a means for sharing their interest in forming the perfect environment for sexual adventure, through ritual, theater, and play.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   htttp://www.andyburu.se   andy@andyburu.se   vCalendar export


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