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** FULLBOKAT ** Kinbaku Salon - A Weekend with Bergborg

⏰️Fredag 5 april 2019 — söndag 7 april 2019
📍️Berlin, Studio 6x6 (Berlin)
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Kinbaku Salon with Bergborg
– Itoh, Minomura, Nureki, Kinbiken

This weekend intensive offers a deep dive into the pioneer years of Kinbaku. Historical materials such as artworks, books, magazines, films and original texts translated from Japanese serve starting points for reflection and inspiration. Special attention will be given to three original – and highly influential – personalities:
Itoh Seiu, the grandfather of Kinbaku, exploring "seme" already in the 1920s, and a bridge between the pre-war and post-war generations;
Minomura Kou, editor, bakushi, graphic artist, responsible for both the tying and the texts in the first Kinbaku photo-book ever published;
Nureki Chimuo, writer and bakushi extraordinaire, who in collaboration with master photographer Sugiura Norio created an aesthetic for Kinbaku that has become iconic.

This will be weekend of reflection and learning, but also of pleasure. Bring an open mind, a pen and a notebook. And of course, bring your ropes ...

Bergborg's approach to rope is coloured by his background in contact-improvisation as well as his work as an academic researcher in the humanities. On his blog Kinbaku Books, he shares parts of his collection of historical Kinbaku-material with the larger rope-community [http://kinbakubooks.wordpress.com ]
Bergborg is packing his bags with rare materials from the 1950s until today. There will be photos, artwork, translated texts, movies, and excerpts from original interviews not yet published.

For whom is it?
The Kinbaku Salon is for rope enthusiasts who want to know more about the history of Japanese Bondage and get a feel for some of the most influential characters in this history. If you have the slightest fetish for old books and magazines, there will be a lot of rare stuff to enjoy.

What is in for me?
You will get original material presented in a context that allows you to develop your understanding and appreciation of three pioneers in the history of Kinbaku: Itoh Seiu, Minomura Kou, and Nureki Chimuo, from the 1920s until today.
You will get the chance to formulate your own questions and have conversations with a knowledgable lecturer as well as with the other participants.
You will get insights about the lines of connection to the present, for example to the work of Naka Akira, but also other Japanese masters as well as to the iconic photography of Sugiura Norio
You will get to socialize and have fun with ropes in a group of fellow rope-enthusiasts.

Small group of 12 Enthusiasts
Tea, coffee, cold drinks, snacks at the evenings are provided
Location: Studio 6×6, Berlin-Moabit
Language: English (contact us, when you are interested but need a translation)

135 € per Person for the Kinbaku Salon, inclusive Open Space / Play Night
15 € Partners / additional People for Kinbaku Play Night (partners are invited on Friday after 22:00)

Content & Schedule

Friday 5th April
19:30--20:30 Welcome
20.30--22.00 Introductory lecture on Itoh Seiu
22.00--23.30 Open space for tying or socializing

Saturday 6th April
11.00--13.30 Lecture on Minomura Kou
13.30--15.00 LUNCH BREAK
15.00--19.00 Two-part lecture on Nureki Chimuo
19.00--20.30 DINNER BREAK
20.30--23.30 Kinbaku Play Night / Open Space for tying

Sunday 7th April
11.00--13.30 Lecture on Kinbiken
13.30--15.00 LUNCH BREAK
15.00--17.00 Reflections on the Uses and Misuses of History for Kinbaku
17.00--19.00ish Questions, Answers and finger food

All weekend long: Exhibition of original collectors items (books, artwork, etc)
Bring along: an open mind, a pen and a notebook - and your ropes.
For the Kinbaku Play Night / Open space for tying we offer a cosy studio with Tatami, Futons, Five Bamboo and one Hashira for those who got inspired.

Is this a practical workshop or just theory?
The lectures will be interactive, offering space for reflection, using multiple media, printed materials, pictures, video. Also, there will be a chance to get inspired and tie during the evening’s „open spaces“

Do I need a partner for this workshop?
No. But you can bring your partner for the Kinbaku Play Night / Open Space event at the evenings

I am interested in the history of Kinbaku, but I do not intent to tie / getting tied myself. Do I fit in?
Absolutely. There is nothing you „have to“ do. There is room for socializing, discussions, to observe and learn or to exchange with other’s. Even during the practical exercises or for the Kinbaku Play Night it is totally ok to just watch respectfully.

There were other influential people in the Japanese Rope Scene - why are they not covered?
This weekend we decided to focus on three pioneers who were highly influential to the Kinbaku scene in general, but also especially to an audience, who is interested in our style. Bergborg offers special lectures dedicated also to other great Kinbaku artists - we will welcome him back, for sure...

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