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Two rope study groups

⏰️Onsdag 21 augusti 2019, klockan 19:00 — 22:00
📍️Skanstull (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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I’m coming home to Stockholm this autumn and I’m super-hyped to start up the weekly rope teaching again. I can’t believe that two years of theatre and directing studies are over. Looking back on what I’ve learnt and how I’ve been tying the past years I decided to run two bi-weekly rope groups this autumn on very different subjects.

The first one will be a “creative rope group” that will draw its inspiration from the work I did on RAW:MOTIONS. During three years I collaborated with the photographer Joakim Erixon Flodman to find the beauty in ropes beyond Japanese cliques and pornography. We will focus on frames for improvisation and going outside the box of classic Shibari/Kinbaku. We will include fabrics, temporary materials, colours, and objects from nature. And dive into shapes and compositions, and how they affect the aesthetics, both when captured in a picture, and when viewed live. Most importantly, we will continuously reconnect to the relationship between tying and tied, to learn how our creative endeavours affect our play. Technically everyone involved must be comfortable with the basics of rope bondage (single column tie, frictions, rope handling). Everything we do in this group can range from floor work to full suspension depending on your skill and TASTE. To participate you will sign-up with a partner, and switching is most welcome in this group.

The second one will be a “tantric rope group” that takes its starting point in my video project UNKNOWN FACES, were I tied people that I never met or talked to before. It brings all the attention onto the present meeting – it researches in who you are right now, who the other person is, and what you form together. For me, this is the essence of tantra. We will approach our rope practice as a ritual outside everyday life. Aided by slowness, meditation, and attention to details, you will find a whole another landscape to explore in your tying. We will also boot camp the basic tying techniques (TK, leg ties, suspension lines) into muscle memory. Technically the person tying must know a basic TK pattern and how to attach suspension lines. The person being tied must have enough experience of being tied (up to semi-suspensions), so they can relax in the rope. Most of the ties will be semi-suspension inspired by traditional Shibai/Kinbaku forms. To participate in this group you will sign-up with a partner in fixed roles. Most importantly is that you want to make this emotional journey together, because we will touch upon sensitive subjects like shame/pride and fear/safety.

Each group will have seven meetings on WEDNESDAYS, with three hours of teaching each time, at my home close to Skanstull. The CREATIVE ROPE GROUP will run on EVEN WEEKS starting August 21st and ending November 27th. The TANTRIC ROPE GROUP will run on ODD WEEKS starting August 28th and ending December 4th.

Price per couple (for one group): LOW INCOME (3500kr) HIGH INCOME (4500kr). For the CREATIVE ROPE GROUP, there will be material costs added to a maximum 100kr per meeting.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://andyburu.se/the-human-bondage   andy@andyburu.se   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare


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