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Sexuality festivalen Molkom

⏰️Tisdag 25 juni 2019 — söndag 30 juni 2019
📍️Ängsbacka, Karlstad (Värmlands län)
⚠️Dresscode finns.
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We all have the capacity to experience love, trust, inner peace, presence and ecstasy. We just need to practice and sometimes get some support and inspiration.

We believe that our world would be a better place if more people would have beautiful experiences together. Sex, intimacy, laughter, playfulness and pleasure is not only wonderful in itself but also provides us with a deeper experience of life, offers healing to emotional wounds and motivates us to change.

We want to create a better existence together and have fun and enjoy while we do it. We believe that to be the best foundation for sustainable development and a more beautiful and harmonious world.

This is why we are happy to invite You to the Sexsibility Festival!

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.angsbacka.se/   vCalendar export  


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