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Journey to the In-Between Spaces

⏰️Torsdag 10 oktober 2019 — söndag 13 oktober 2019
📍️Ryd (Blekinge län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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A Journey to the In-Between Space

Welcome to a four-day retreat to explore your relationship to sexuality/creativity, power/surrender, ego/tribe, pain/pleasure, restriction/freedom, dreams/reality, animal/divine.

The most rewarding place to exist as a human being is in the
In-Between Space. Away from dogmatic truths and polarizing doctrines. This place is so nourishing in a time of political extremism, and goal-oriented productivity, where consequences are dire and punishment is corporal. The In-Between Space is a place to belong, in togetherness. In the presence, in-between the future and the past - 'anyhow you get the gist.

During four days we will form a protective tribe far away in beautiful nature, with the soul purpose to give everyone freedom to explore and express themselves. This is not a tinder or grinder meet-up. We invite all that we are - from sexuality to sadness - from suffering to laughter - from introversion to flamboyancy.

Our tools for this journey are rituals and play parties inspired by conscious kink, sex-positive spaces, and consent culture. This is not a technical workshop, nor an intellectual lecture, nor an orgy. This is an invitation to a space that is safe enough for you to be brave.

During the retreat, we start building our tribe on trust and honesty and do exercises to set the direction of our journey, both as individuals and as a group. Moving from a set of more strict rituals to more open play parties - we will explore the subjects of sexuality/creativity, power/surrender, ego/tribe, pain/pleasure, restriction/freedom, dreams/reality, and animal/divine. In the end, we will celebrate our journey together, when we hopefully made it to the in-between space. The feeling of this retreat is more of active meditation with others than a celebration.

Now you might be wondering, what will we do concretely and it's hard to explain without missing the forest because of the trees. But here is an attempt:
- Physical touch from the lightest to the most intense.
- Sensory deprivation using various material.
- Breathwork, hypnosis, and meditation.
- Leading and following exercises from dance.
- Group and status exercises from the theatre.
- Focus on a specific sense, like smell, taste, and hearing.
- Practice improvisation and playfulness.
- Working with courage and healthy borders.
- Relating, constellation, and co-creation games.
- Rituals, as in doing a set of steps with focus and intention.
- Ceremonial consumption of raw cacao.
- Contact improvisation-like body movement.

Take this list and put it in a sex-positive space, that is a space where sexuality is welcomed in all its forms but nowhere demanded.

The curator of this journey is Andy Buru. Whom is a student of theatre, a medical massage therapist, a former organizational coach, a conscious kinkster, and a teacher of rope bondage.
During his fifteen-year journey into sexuality and creativity, he has been a slave, an owner, a hedonist, a purist, a magician, and a slut. His biggest inspiration is the Schwelle7 Berlin project and Xplore Festival by Felix Ruckert.

****Space and Format****
The event starts at Thursday 18:00 and ends Sunday 16:00/17.00
- depending on if anyone is leaving with public transport.
During the event all participants will be living together, immersed in nature within the heart of the forest in beautiful Ryd, Sweden.
We will have our own wood sauna by the lake - to nourish our beings as often as we please, with essential oils.
Accommodations is located in various small houses in the forest, some with fire places, including the main house where the bathrooms are.

The space is truly magnificent!

Sleeping options are both single and double beds, about half of each - first comes first. (so you may be sleeping next to some one, depending what size our group is)

The food will be vegan and only organic ingredients will be used. The intention is to lift, ground and support our beings with nourishing wholesome food. This event is alcohol and drug free.

Claus has kindly gifted us a extra night, so if you wish to land more softly there is the option to stay until Monday.
There will be no official program and we will cook together.
Sauna will of cause be warm and inviting, so will the fire place.

****Price and Participation****
You can participate in three ways.
(1) Assistant ticket, 2 available - you pay only for the food and accomodation (1900,- DKK) and assist with cooking, cleaning, and any other way required.
(2) Early bird participant ticket, available until 09/09-2019.
(2900 DKK)
(3) Regular participant ticket - you pay a full price ticket (3400 DKK)

Please bring your own bed sheets, duvet covers and towels or rent for 100 DKK. (cash)

****Prerequisite and Sign-up****
You must have attended a event with Andy before, know Lea, or have a friend that can vouch for you. We will create a group that we believe brings the balance and diversity we want to the weekend.

To Sign-up, please fill out this form:

**And we will get back to you with details on how to secure your place. We do this to aim for a diverse group.

**There will be no refunds if you cancel, you are welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else, as long as we all agree. If the event gets cancelled you will get a full refund.

As we are in the heart of the Swedish forest, if possible, team up and share rides. The nearest station is Ryd, about 7 km away, we will pick you up there if needed.
For public transport check out, https://www.sj.se/en/home.html#/
The event is in Ryd, Sweden.
You will get the full address when you sign up.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://andyburu.se/2019/06/18/workshop-a-journey-to-the-in-between-space/   andy@andyburu.se   vCalendar export  


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