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"Från Stonewall till global frigörelse" & "Understanding BDSM in Indonesia"

⏰️Tisdag 30 juli 2019, klockan 14:00 — 16:00
📍️Pride House, C3 Clarion Hotel Stockholm, Ringvägen 98, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
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Två föredrag om frigörelse, hålls på årets Pride House i Stockholm. Det ena ur ett globaliseringsperspektiv, på svenska av Xzenu. Det andra utifrån den specifika minoritetsgruppen BDSM-människor i Indonesiens huvudstad Jakarta, hålls på engelska av Aeshapadma.

Two speeches about liberation, held at this year's Pride House in Stockholm. One from a globalization perspective. Held in Swedish by Xzenu. The other focusing on the specific sexual minority BDSM people in the Indonesian capital Jakarta. Held in English by Aeshapadma.


Från Stonewall till global frigörelse
Den värld som vi lever i existerar i efterdyningarna efter det brittiska imperiet och andra former av kolonialism, vars brott mot mänskligheten inkluderar att påtvinga världens folk en djupt homofob, transfob, kinkofob och misogyn form av sexualmoral. Mot detta och liknande förtryck vilka i hög utsträckning lever kvar idag står den globala kampen för universella mänskliga rättigheter, bland annat i form av den framväxande globala priderörelsen. Denna vår priderörelse började få momentum genom upproret vid klubben Stonewall i USA sommaren 1969. Än idag bygger vi i hög utsträckning våra berättelser om vår rörelse på olika berättelser om denna incident. Vilka berättelser om Stonewall bör vi ta fasta på, och varför? Vi lever nu i en tid som präglas både av frigörelse och av förtryck. En våg av legalisering av samkönade äktenskap sveper både över de traditionella västländerna och över Asien. Tack vare insatser från världshälsoorganisationen med flera så är könsstympning av intersexuella nu på tillbakagång världen över, och sedan sommaren 2018 är sadomasochism och fetischism äntligen friskförklarat globalt. Samtidigt kämpar bakåtsträvande krafter från USA och många andra länder emot denna utveckling. Låt oss i denna kontext ta en titt på Stonewall-upproret ur ett globalt perspektiv.


From Stonewall to global liberation
The world we live in exists in the aftermath of the British Empire and other forms of colonialism, which crimes against humanity includes imposing upon the world a deeply homophobic, transphobic, kinkophobic and misogynistic form of sexual morality. Against such oppression stands the global struggle for universal Human Rights, in forms such as the growing global Pride movement which started to gain momentum through the uprising at the Stonewall club in the USA in the summer of 1969. Today, we are largely building our movement's narratives on various stories of this incident. What narratives about Stonewall should we focus on, and why? We now live in a time characterized by both liberation and oppression. A wave of legalization of same-sex marriages sweeps over the traditional western countries as well as over Asia. Thanks to the efforts of the WHO and others, genital mutilation of intersex people is now on the decline worldwide, and since summer 2018, sadomasochism and fetishism have finally been removed from the global list of mental disrders. Meanwhile, regressive forces from the USA and many other countries are fighting against this development. In this context, let's take a look at the Stonewall uprising from a global perspective.


Understanding BDSM in Indonesia : Stories of Self Discovery.

This is the speech about the life experiences of myself and some other Indonesians who navigate ourselves in the intersection of being part of an invisible minority called BDSM, while also being part of core privileged social categories – Asian Muslim, and Asian Christian. These are the stories of our struggle of being honest with ourselves about each of our sexuality, identity, and lifestyle. I would like to share my life journey, my struggle for self-acceptance, and BDSM as my practice of resistance towards oppression that I experienced personally as a "non-mainstream" individual, in the urban society of Indonesia. I would also like to share my experiences with the other BDSM practitioners that I met in life, in which their stories assist me to understand how BDSM is liberating and enriching my spirituality, mental health, intellectuality, and expression of love. Through their life as my inspiration, in the end I am able to make peace with myself and proudly coming out as a BDSM practitioner. I hope that my story resonates with people who are struggling to understand themselves, to realise that they are not misfits, and to encourage them to support creating safe space for everyone to express themselves.

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