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Wish Oslo + Juicebox = Queer Cruising Party på SLM!

⏰️Fredag 30 augusti 2019, klockan 21:00
📍️Rådhusgata 28, inngang Nedre Slottsgate, Oslo (Oslo)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.  Evenemanget riktar sig till Kvinna, Intersexperson, Agender, Androgyn, Bigender, Gender fluid, Genderqueer, Intergender, Neutrois, Pangender, Transkvinna, Transman, Transfeminin, Transmaskulin, Transperson, Tvåsjälad, Tomboy, Ickebinär, Demigirl, Demiguy, FtX, MtX.
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Wish Oslo and Juicebox have the pleasure to invite you to a queer cruising party at SLM on Friday, August 30th, 2019.

This event is for queer women, trans-persons (men, women, non-binary and other gender queers) and intersex persons, who live with one of their identities in their day to day life.

Doors open: 21.00
Tickets: kr 200,- (Vipps to Sofia Su : 905 48 589)

Before the party there will be a "lap dance/slap dance" workshop with only 14 places available. Check the event --> (More info is coming!)

The guest-list is not visible to ensure your privacy on Facebook.

SLM stands for "Scandinavian Leather Men Club" and has a very unique venue in central Oslo with a cellar from the 17th century that is both a dance floor and a well-equipped play dungeon. Usually only men are allowed into this location, but on this unique night we are taking over! It is going to be dark, sweaty and kinky but also with a dash of feminine romanticism. There will be hot techno, performances, queer porn movies and Juicebox games! 🍑

"Cruising describes an activity where individuals walk or drive around in search of a partner for sex, usually fast and anonymous." (Wikipedia) In kink environments, people also use color codes to indicate what they want. We will have a station with colourful bands that you can use to indicate different preferences for easier communication. For example different colors for dominant, submissive, pain, bondage, voyeur, and much more! 🌈

However as always you only do what you feel comfortable with, there is no pressure to do anything. Consent is essential! If you just want to watch, dance and have fun, this is still a place for you!

The price of the tickets are 200,- We don't want to discriminate people who are low on cash, so if this is out of your budget send us a message and we can see if we can arrange another deal.
Reservation is done by vippsing to Sofia Su on 905 48 589. Confirmation will be sent out. (After 12th of August)

Doors open 2100 and closes at 0000. If you want to join the party you need to come before midnight.

Dj Greij will have control over the dance floor from midnight. She will be playing hot and sweaty techno and you can bet on it that she knows how to get you feel hot and sexy. 🔥

A little bit about the organisations behind this event:
Wish Oslo is by and for women, trans persons (Men, women, non-binary and other gender queers) and / or intersex persons who live with one of their identities in everyday life and have an interest in fetish and bdsm. Wish is a voluntary organization that provides the opportunity to explore bdsm in a welcoming and safer place. Homophobia, misogyny, racism and transphobia are not welcome.
check https://www.frioa.no/wish/ and www.wishoslo.no

Juicebox arranges intimate events to promote self-love, sexual liberation, exploration, networking and relationships between women, transgender- and non-binary people.
For more info on Juicebox check out: https://www.facebook.com/groups/776004332589379/

REMEMBER, Consent is like fries:

Freely given

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/876722196035468/   vCalendar export  


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