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Shining light on the Shadow

⏰️Fredag 8 november 2019, klockan 18:00 — 16:00
📍️Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Hello fellow human being!
Are you curious about what’s around the next corner in your life? What the next version of you could look like?
If you stop for a moment to take a deep breath, how are you doing right now?
How are you using your energy?
What if you could choose at any time, what You REALLY want to be and do?

We are inviting you to an open and safe arena to explore the personal process of making conscious choices. An alchemical space where time is slow enough to make choices based on true consent possible. A process that is meant to be safe enough to make it possible to explore and to choose what you want, wish and dream about.

This process is for you if:
• you are longing for more connection, embodiment, pleasure and magic in your life.
• you are queer, non binary, trans and/or a person open and comfortable being with people not conforming with traditional binary gender norms.
• you realize that you are in charge of your life but you are open and looking for tools, people and values that could support your next steps.
• you have been on the path long enough to realize that there is no such thing as "the way", only your way.
• you have a ”hell yes” and some excitement at the same time.

We want to expand our comfort zones, so we might come to a point where it is not necessary to “go along” anymore, but to decide what you really want for yourself NOW. Not pleasing others. To come to all this we will work quite slow, so that there is enough time to come to a decision with the help of your mind, your heart and your gut.
We will work with our breath and figure out how we can include it as an ally in our daily life and routine. There will be possibilities to experiment with intense sensations, leading and following, taking and giving control, also known as kink or BDSM.

During the days we will use an array of exercises, games and rituals to support us in exploring feelings, needs, wishes, ideas and beliefs we have about ourselves. These may include, mindfulness and breath meditation, movement & dance, conscious touch, exploring (intense) sensations, power exchange, bondage, role play etc. The days will be facilitated in english but exercises in smaller groups may be done in other languages depending who is involved.

The layout of the days:
a questionnaire and a short interview. Reflecting on personal intentions
Friday evening 18.00 - 21.00pm - Getting to know each other. Setting expectations. Warming up exercises.
Saturday 10.00 - 18.00pm - Exercises/explorations (individual, in pairs, smaller groups and plenary), mini lectures, reflections and rituals.
Sunday 10.00 - 16.00pm - Exercises/explorations, mini lectures, reflections and rituals + Setting sails for the future.

If you are tempted and need more information to come to a "hell yes", contact us via mail.
Puma: mehr(at)magictouch-radicalconsent.com (german or english) or
Pontus: pontus(at)gro.nu (swedish or english)

When you have decided to join, we will have a conversation via skype/zoom with you, so we have a chance to get to know each other more. There will also be a small pre-work for you to tune in with.

After the weekend there are possibilities to stay connected with us and in smaller groups with each other via skype/zoom in order to increase the positive after effects of our personal experiences.

Date: 8 - 10th of November 2019
Place: Stockholm - Exact place will be announced after sign up
Cost: Recommended 300 € (with a sliding scale from 200€-500€ depending on your financial situation). If you really want to attend, but, the money is in your way, please let us know and we will try to find a solution for you.

As we would love to hold a space beyond the binaries we want to create an arena that is open for all genders and types of humans. Both of us are quite aware of inequality in this world concerning gender, race, body shape in general and class, just to name some of those.

You have already a "Hell yes, this is for me"?
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/zS2yUR2mUjhWGXocA

About the facilitators:
I am Puma (Bettie Höflich). My preferred pronouns are either they or puma. Throughout my life I've had many gender and identity expressions. Presently, I feel most comfortable identifying as non-binary.
I offer one-on-one sessions for queer individuals and couples who want to dive deeper into their intimacy and sexual life.
Over a decade I discovered the world of Neo-Tantra. I began working with mostly with women. After becoming certified by Barbara Carrellas through her Urban Tantra Professional Training Program, I established a Neo-Tantra Beyond Gender for our German speaking queer community. I have taken several trainings with Dr. Betty Martin to become a “Wheel of consent” facilitator.

“I love to bring people together, challenge them where they need a little hint. I believe that we all are part of something that is bigger than we can imagine. Why this? Again and again, whenever I used sexmagic for myself or in a group, it really worked at the end, believe it or not!”

About Pontus
My prefered pronoun is they. It took me many years to realize that I am a gender fluid soul in a male body. I am a trained Urban Tantra guide and I believe that both sensation and power dynamics can play a vital role in personal development.
I am an actor, conductor and producer in Teater X, Stockholm and a trainer at Scandinavian Playback Theatre Studio. Working with the method of Playback Theatre as an embodied way of mirroring stories and hosting conversations across boundaries in life and in society at large. I have a master in Psychology and have specialized in the dynamics of change. For the last 20 years I have been working as facilitator in development of individuals, teams and organizations internationally. I am also catalyst at Ekskäret Klustret, a space supporting inner and outer growth that matters.

“I am thrilled about the potential of working with our shadows. What’s in the way is often the way. I also believe that we need spaces where we can feel safe in order to expand our comfort zone and find playful and safe ways of experimenting with who we are and what we might become. Our potential as humans is so vast if only we dare to challenge our beliefs.”

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/442076693044531/   vCalendar export  


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