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Bergborg: Kinbaku Salon (Paris)

⏰️Fredag 24 januari 2020 — söndag 26 januari 2020, klockan 11:00 — 23:00
📍️Paris (Île-de-France)
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Atelier Simonet (Paris) is proud to present BERGBORG

Bergborg teaches rope at a regular basis in his studio in Stockholm. Since a couple of years, he is also giving lectures on the pioneers of Kinbaku. Bergborg runs blog about Japanese Kinbaku books, offering also material translated from Japanese into English. You can find here : [http://kinbakubooks.wordpress.com]

During this weekend there will be historical lectures and materials presented about Tsujimura Takashi, Osada Eikichi and Akechi Denki.

(Bergborg will return again to Atelier Simonet for more lectures also in the autumn of 2020.)


Friday 24th January:
19.00--19.30 Welcome
19.30--21.30 Lecture on Tsujimura Takashi
21.30--23.30 Open space for tying

Saturday 25th January:
11.00--14.30 Lecture on Osada Eikichi
14.30--16.00 LUNCH
16.00--19.00 Lecture on Akechi Denki #1
19.00--20.30 DINNER BREAK
20.30--23.30 Open space for tying

Sunday 26th January:
11.00--14.30 Lecture on Akechi Denki #2
14.30--16.00 LUNCH
16.00--17.30 Concluding Reflections, Q&A
17.00--18.00 DINNER BREAK
18.00--21.00 Open space for tying


Tsujimura Takashi (1921–1987) was the main bakushi for the magazine Kitan Club for 25 years, with a huge impact on the development of modern Kinbaku.
In addition to tying, Tsujimura also contributed many interesting texts in different genres: erotic fiction, SM-theory, aesthetics, tutorials, and more. He had an interest for example in hojojutsu and in the specific beauty of kinbaku, but also a clear orientation towards the practical and personal activity of SM play.
In a series of texts and photos called "Camera Hunt", published regularly for many years in Kitan Club and later continuing in the magazine SM King, Tsujimura puts the tied up women in focus, amateurs as well as professional models, interviewing them about their experiences.
Tsujimura also contributed to a number of big movie-productions. During this lecture we will see some examples of this, as well as section from a rare documentary about the Japanese SM-scene from 1971, where Tsujimura is interviewed.

Osada Eikichi (1925–2001) has been called "father of the modern SM club show". For people in the West, he is probably known mainly for the key role he played in the development of Osada Steve's career as a bakushi.
Osada Eikichi's shows, as they began in the late 1960s through the activities of the "Osada Seminar" and then ran until the end of his life, were quite spectacular, full of energy and drama. Not only the person being tied, but everyone in the audience were overwhelmed by stimuli until they reached a state of disorientation. There were many interesting developments in the Japanese avantgarde theatre, dance and performance scene in the 1960s and 1970s that can be seen as part of the context for the emerging format of the SM show. Arguably, these shows also played a role for Akechi Denki taking his first steps as a performer.
Being a live performer more than anything else, material documenting Osada Eikichi's work has long been hard to find. During this lecture, we will have a look at some printed material, listen to translated texts, have a peek at video in different genres (tutorials, live show, TV-appearance) as well reflect on testimony from interviews.

"In SM, shibari is communication between two people using the medium of rope. It’s a connection made with rope between the hearts of two people."
These words by Akechi Denki (1940–2005) have become famous – for good reasons. Akechi was a pioneer in several fields – as a creative rope-artist and a master performer. The distinctive style of Akechi, as a crucial inspiration for rope-artists such as Kanna, Osada Steve and Pedro, has had quite some influence on the European rope-scene. Akechi was also the first Japanese rope-artist that came to Europe to perform, in 1998.
Through some texts where Akechi tells about his life, the lectures will trace his itinerary from his childhood and youth in a Japan defined by the war and the post-war sufferings, to his break-through as a rope-performer in the 1980s.
Hit by a heart-attack when he was 19 years old, Akechi was told by the doctor that he would probably not live to see his 30th birthday. He recalls his reaction: "If I lived each day with double intensity, even though I may die when I am 30, it would be the same as dying when I was sixty."
Drawing on a wealth of materials such as texts and images from old magazines, VHS-tapes and later DVDs, we will examine the development of Akechi's style and try to understand his outlook.

​​​​​​​Cost : 135€/pers (A deposit of 75€ non refoundable is asked at booking, the balance is to pay in cash at your arrival the first day of the event. he deposit is refundable at your expense till November 15th)

What is included : participation to the lectures and rope jams. Coffee, tea, soft drinks during the weekend. Some small snacks will be there, also.

Not included : meals and accomodation. You can come with your food or find everything around very easily.

("Rope jams only" tickets will be sold separately, later.)


(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.billetweb.fr/bergborg-history-of-kinbaku   vCalendar export  


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