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Tantric Rope Journey (Rope Study Group)

⏰️Onsdag 4 mars 2020, klockan 19:00 — 22:00
📍️Skanstull, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Welcome to join one of the two upcoming rope study group of spring 2020. Themes for this season is Suspending with Andy and a repeat of the Tantric Rope Journey. The study groups are small and inmate with only four couples taking place in my home close to Skanstull (Stockholm/Sweden). This will be the sixth or seventh year and as reported by many participants before you will during four months find your own tranquil rope oasis far away from everyday life in my home. Here are the dates.

Tantric Rope Journey: 4 March, 18 Mars, 1 April, 15 April, 29 April, 13 May, 17 May, and 10 June (even-week-Wednesday)*

Price per couple: LOW INCOME (4000kr) HIGH INCOME (5000kr)

Each meet-up is three hours from 19-22:00.

The group will be a “Tantric Rope Journey” that takes its starting point in my video project UNKNOWN FACES, were I tied people that I never met or talked to before. It brings all the attention onto the present meeting – it researches in who you are right now, who the other person is, and what you form together. For me, this is the essence of tantra. We will approach our rope practice as a ritual outside everyday life. Aided by slowness, meditation, and attention to details, you will find a whole another landscape to explore in your tying. We will also boot camp the basic tying techniques (TK, leg ties, suspension lines) into muscle memory. Technically the person tying must know a basic TK pattern and how to attach suspension lines. The person being tied must have enough experience of being tied (up to semi-suspensions), so they can relax in the rope. Most of the ties will be semi-suspension inspired by traditional Shibai/Kinbaku forms. To participate in this group you will sign-up with a partner in fixed roles. Most importantly is that you want to make this emotional journey together, because we will touch upon sensitive subjects like shame/pride and fear/safety.

* Note that one of the Tantric Rope Journey weeks will be canceled as the price is for 7 lessons during 16 weeks.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.andyburu.se   andy@andyburu.se   vCalendar export  


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