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SLM BDSM section

⏰️Söndag 1 mars 2020, klockan 17:00 — 19:00
📍️ Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 18, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Medlemskap krävs.  Evenemanget riktar sig till Man, Transman.
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Come out and play

This Sunday at BDSM section, we invite you to come and engage in BDSM play of your choice, from the playful slap to heavy bondage. You want to say “Yes SIR!”? Now is your chance. If you do not feel like roughhousing yourself, you can observe others play, get new ideas and meet other sweet kinksters.

As a bonus this Sunday, you will have a chance to try getting tied up and to see how some basic shibari bondage patterns work when performed on the floor. Perhaps your interest in Japanese bondage will be awakened just in time for our introductory course on shibari, coming up on the 29th of March.

As always, we welcome all members interested in BDSM, regardless of age, experience level or interest in any particular bdsm-practice. We are striving to create an inclusive space for all to play in!


SLMs BDSM Section aka GråSvart

SLMs BDSM Section meets the first Sunday of every month. We strive to create a welcoming, safe community for guys willing to explore various BDSM-practices and lifestyles. Whether you are an experienced BDSM-practitioner or a curious newbie, you are most welcome to participate. You can learn about an aspect of BDSM through a demonstration or a talk at 6pm. After the demo you may engage in BDSM play of your choice with any consenting partners. Or just hang out and socialize until 10pm.

NB! Doors are open between 5pm and 7pm. You will need to enter the club within those two hours and have your valid membership card with you. Memberships cannot be issued or renewed on our Section events.

Feel free to talk to people, ask what they are interested in, and whether they might like to play with you. Have a nice talk, a hot chat, or maybe more.

Varmt välkommen!

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.slmstockholm.se/en/   vCalendar export  


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