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NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION #the in-between space

⏰️Tisdag 17 mars 2020, klockan 19:00 — 22:00
📍️Åkeshov, Åkeshov (Stockholms län)
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17 MAR – NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION – Leading and following, developing body language. Listening to and training our instinctive reactions to move in-between trust and challenge, gently playing with power and hierarchy.

This is the second workshop in a block of three workshop. During the spring there will be five blocks.

-- TL;DR --
sign-up / https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmbkErxQXxXZOC9m5XgSraUCFyVpzX-PBxwT4wLMhjVPvx9Q/viewform
200 SEK / once
1500 SEK / all 15


First block is about embodiment, and it’s all about here and now. The mind lives in the future, present and past at the same time. Remembering stories, analyzing what is currently happening, or dreaming about what is to come. The body can only be here and now. Through history, humans have invented techniques to change the experience of our physical self and to help others to do the same. And I believe that they build the foundation of the more bodily expressions of BDSM. So in the first block, you will practice to learn and speak the language of the body.


The in-between space is very much a passion project of mine so I’ll try to keep the prices as low as possible. Sadly the new location is not as cheap, like the old place in Gamla Stan. Drop-in rates will be 200 SEK per workshop (in cash), or you can buy a season card for 1500 SEK that covers all fifteen workshops.

You can come alone, or with a friend/lover/partner. Depending on the workshop theme, you will be encouraged to work only with one partner or to switch partners, or maybe even in a trio – I will announce this before each workshop, so you know.

If you are “only” a top or a bottom or see yourselves solely in one specific role, then you are welcome to participate as much or little as you like. But it depends on the theme of the week, wherein some workshop having witnesses is perfectly fine, and even beneficial, while in others it destroys the experience for the rest. But I’ll announce this also before each workshop.

You can bring any tools and toys that you already know how to use. Depending on the workshop, there will be different opportunities to use them. Since the themes are more conceptual, they are open to more or less any practical kink.

Each evening will follow the structure of about one-hour warm-up and introduction, one-hour more strictly on the subject, and finally one-hour of more open play. You are also welcome to drop in half an hour before the workshop starts if you want to socialize.

The in-between is a sex and emotional-positive space. That means that I welcome all expression of sexuality, including asexuality, and all your emotions. You can cry, laugh, moan, snore, or whatever. But this is not an orgy, not a swingers club, nor a grinder or tinder meet up.

Finally, the in-between space is a place to be safe enough to be brave. Everything is voluntary and in the end, you are the dom-i-li-dom-dom of yourselves and your own experience. Also, these workshops are not therapy, and if the subject might be triggering for you, you are welcome to leave whenever you want to.


The in-between space (or GRÄNSLANDET in Swedish) has been an ongoing project for the past four years. I started it because I encountered BDSM in a very magical place called Schwelle7 in Berlin during the decade of 2000. In this community, we were dancers, sex workers, and artists, and we shared a question:

“Why can BDSM give more presence, creativity and togetherness in a heartbeat than several years of professional training in various other modalities?”

The simple answer could be “It’s my sexuality, and it makes me horny”, but I believe that the rabbit hole goes so much more profoundly deep. It opens up the entire experience of being a human existing among others, and it gives access to playing in a space where rules are different than everyday life. It forks into a hundred places where I can meet many different sides of myself – if I’m open to it.

The encounter with this community sent me on an impossible quest to understand, and it took me through theatre, body and breathwork, tantra, shamanism, ritual magic, psychology, dance and of course various BDSM practices. Because they all share a desire to figure out what makes us tick, and they are all embodied ways of doing so.

The pinnacle of my Berlin-era was the Aristocracy of Desire, a play party that took place every full moon independently of weekday or season. These nights were otherworldly dreams and meetings melded into each other, like a dance, in a wild variety of expressions of desire. There was beauty, grace, humour, sadness, disgust, meditation, and celebration.

The in-between space is my attempt to bring this attitude to Stockholm. It has taken a few different shapes over the years, all from big parties to retreats, and this setup with a series of workshops that acts as a narrative of what I encountered in Berlin almost 20 years ago.

An important aspect is the sense of community and tribe; that I’m here to interact with other people. My main goal is not to build social contacts to meet with later, I’m not learning a skill that I can apply in the privacy of my home, and I’m not catching up with an old friend that I didn’t see for many months. These things might and probably will happen anyway because we are social human beings. But the most important reason to join this journey is to share and explore who you are in the community and tribe at this current movement, concerning this specific subject.


I'm a student of theatre, a medical massage therapist, a former organizational coach, a conscious kinkster, and a teacher of European and Japanese rope bondage. During my fifteen years of BDSM I've been a slave, a owner, a hedonist, a purist, a magician, and a slut.

https://www.andyburu.se for much more information.

Picture by Indigo.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmbkErxQXxXZOC9m5XgSraUCFyVpzX-PBxwT4wLMhjVPvx9Q/viewform   andy@andyburu.se   vCalendar export  


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