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Distance Reiki Q&A

⏰️Torsdag 11 juni 2020, klockan 19:30 — 20:30
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Kajsa Wenman of Kylin Therapies will be online to answer questions about Distance Reiki. All participants will have the option of receiving a free sample of Distance Reiki after the event.
The online event will be done through Facebook's Messenger Rooms. It is recommended that those who wish to attend should join Kylin Therapies Distance Reiki Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1059978767735387/). This group provides extra information and notification of all Distance Reiki events. A few minutes before the time of the event, I will post the link for the video chat.
This event is free. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. Currently, only PayPal can be accepted in either SEK or USD. PayPal.Me/KylinTherapies

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