Vi på den inofficiella darkside discord servern tänkte oss att det kunde vara kul med att en gång ha after work (På discord)! Eventet kommer starta klockan 18 på Darkside Discord, och hållas i ett eller flera röst-video rum! (En behöver inte dela video om en inte vill)
Welcome to the (unofficial) Darkside (Discord) we have cookies! English bellow!
Svenska: Den här Discord Servern är en social outlet för oss fetischister och kinksters under dessa Corona tider. Förhoppningsvis ska denna servern hjälpa oss att vara duktiga Fetisch och BDSM+ utövare och kvarhålla social distansering. Att vara isolerad kan vara påfrestande för många, då vi inte kan gå på klubbar och andra sociala tillställningar som vi brukar kunna. Under karantän är det viktigt att vi värnar om vår psykiska hälsa, likväl som vår fysiska hälsa. Vi har en del grundläggande bra regler som är bra att ha i åtanke: 1. Följ Discords Term of Service! ( 2. Ingen typ diskriminering eller hat är tillåtet. Var snälla och respektfulla mot varandra. T.ex. ingen rasism, HBTQ+ fobi eller sexism osv. 3. Samtycke ska vara grunden i alla interaktioner ni har med någon annan. T.ex. kalla inte någon en titel (master, slyna, pappa osv) utan att fråga dem och fråga innan ni skickar ett PM med en bild. 4. Admin's ord är lag. Ifall någon bryter mot några regler eller beter sig olämpligt så tar vi oss rätten att varna eller banna er. Det är även upp till oss att bestämma moderatorer och förändringar. Vi tar dock gärna emot förslag och åsikter.
English: This Discrod Server is a social outlet for us Fetishists and Kinksters during the age of Covid-19. We hope that this server will help us be good Fetish and BDSM+ practitioners who retain social distancing. We understand that it can be stressful to be isolated like we are right now, being unable to go to clubs and social events like we used to. While being in quarantine, it is likewise important to take care of our psychological health, as it is taking care of our physical. In this server, we have a few simple rules that you should adhere to. 1. Follow Discords Term of Service! ( 2. No type of discrimination or hate is allowed. Be kind and respectful to each other. For example, no racism, LGBTQ+ phobia, sexism etc is allowed. 3. Consent should be in the founding principle in your interactions with other people. For example, don’t call someone by a title (master, slave, little girl, daddy etc) without asking them or being told that you are allowed to. Also, please do not send PM’s with images. 4. The Admin’s words is the law. If anyone breaks any of these rules, or behave inappropriately, then we will have the right to warn or ban you. It is up to us Admins to decide who is to be moderators and what changes we want to implement. Nevertheless, we welcome suggestions and opinions.
We on the unofficial Darkside Discord are once again planning on having an after work on Discord. The event will commence at 18 on the Darkside Discord, and we will have several available video chat rooms (no need to show yourself on video if you don't want to or can't), there is one room that is exclusively for English, although anyone is welcome to join and speak English in any of the other channels.
Following is a copy of the server rules in English:
This Discrod Server is a social outlet for us Fetishists and Kinksters during the age of Covid-19. We hope that this server will help us be good Fetish and BDSM+ practitioners who retain social distancing. We understand that it can be stressful to be isolated like we are right now, being unable to go to clubs and social events like we used to. While being in quarantine, it is likewise important to take care of our psychological health, as it is taking care of our physical. In this server, we have a few simple rules that you should adhere to. 1. Follow Discords Term of Service! ( 2. No type of discrimination or hate is allowed. Be kind and respectful to each other. For example, no racism, LGBTQ+ phobia, sexism etc is allowed. 3. Consent should be in the founding principle in your interactions with other people. For example, don’t call someone by a title (master, slave, little girl, daddy etc) without asking them or being told that you are allowed to. Also, please do not send PM’s with images. 4. The Admin’s words is the law. If anyone breaks any of these rules, or behave inappropriately, then we will have the right to warn or ban you. It is up to us Admins to decide who is to be moderators and what changes we want to implement. Nevertheless, we welcome suggestions and opinions.