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Move into Kink for Womxn 12 Week Program

⏰️Tisdag 23 februari 2021, klockan 18:00 — 21:00
📍️Östermalm, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.  Evenemanget riktar sig till Kvinna, Transkvinna, Ickebinär.
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Move into Kink

After two successes of Move into kink even in corona times, I'm opening up again.
Join my free online intro on Sunday Feb 7 and Feb 21 from 6-8pm. See: https://www.facebook.com/events/215547916912652/

This 12 week program is for 8 people only and is for you who is ready to explore deeper alternative ways of connecting to yourself and others through dance, kink, tantra and emotional exploration.

What is the approach? You can be an advanced kinkster or a newbie in BDSM, either way s3xual play for me, is always a healing journey where we are all beginners to each new moment. In this queer-welcoming space, we play with exploring gender and expand our own fluidity.
It's an adventure moving into ourselves with support from the other. As we step into new territories, pleasure as well as shadows will arise as tools for our expansion.

Using dance, tantra and trauma awareness as our base, we step into the kinky space where the connection to our desires only can be safe as we learn to feel and communicate around boundaries.

The aim these weeks is about finding tools to become more present, to open up our inner source of endless pleasure, where all emotions are welcome.
We will explore leading and following, holding and letting go, dominance and submission, ropes and pleasure and pain. We focus less on techniques and right and wrong and instead we give space towards how we step into these states on an energetic level.
This work will be applicable to any intimate play you already engage in to become more deep and authentic.

Why womxn with an x? Womxn is a term often used in the queer community to emphasize that this female space welcomes and includes "transgender, nonbinary, and non-white women" (Wikipedia).
Where? In a cosy venue in Östermalm, central Stockholm
When? Tuesdays 18.15-21.00 starting Feb 23th.
Language: The official language will be English but Swedish is welcome for sharing

Apply now!
Since there are only 8 spots available, I would like a wide range of diversity in the group when it comes to cultural backgrounds, age, gender & s3xual identity. Therefore I have decided that you get to apply to the program. It is not that you should be "advanced" to be taken in, it is more about who else is applying and what would serve the group dynamic.

Investment: 2900kr x 2 for 12 evenings. You pay the first installment upon registration, second half way through the program
Last day of application is Sunday Feb 21, but the sooner the bigger chance to get taken in.
Apply here: https://docs.google.com/.../1bcEOkps64vQfjyBvwjX4mkcP1Vw.../

What about corona? If the situation continues like now you are welcome if you have no symptoms and feel comfortable being close to another 7 people.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

About Li Storm
Li makes people feel. You might forget what you did and what she said, but inside of you there will be a memory of feeling alive and seen. Li is a dancer as well as an embodiment and sexuality coach who has explored, studied, and taught different styles and methods for more than 15 years. Their research focuses on movement as a tool for healing, self-expression and our innate gender fluidity. Lisa lived in Mozambique for three years and has returned annually since 2015. Their time in the capital city of Maputo included extensive training in traditional dance with the performance company Hodi Maputo Afro Swing, as well as research in traditional emotional and sexual healing practices. She has since then founded the movement practices “Life Is Rhythm" and “Dance into Your Lust,” which includes aspects of their experience in Africa, as well as dance and movement therapy, tantra, conscious kink and trauma therapy (NARM). To read more, visit www.dancefromtheroot.com.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/731457364400152   lisa@guff.se   vCalendar export  


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