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Planet Magic Ecstacy

⏰️Torsdag 13 maj 2021 — söndag 16 maj 2021
📍️Skeppsudden, Norrköping (Östergötlands län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Come to our planet for a queer kinky dance experience!

Planet ME is an invitation to a world that we long for. We all carry our different truths, and this is our way to invite you onboard to our vision. On Planet ME, the whole you is welcome; what you were, what you are, and what you can become. Here we can express what truly thrills us, what we desire, and what our ancestors are bringing forward to us.

On Planet ME it will be possible to explore and deepen whatever wants to be expanded, as well as letting go of that which no longer serves us. Playful conscious kink, dance and tantric practices become a crossroad between Queerness, BDSM and Spirituality.

On Planet ME we embrace our fears and invite healing. In the present moment we visit our earnest depth as well as our most ecstatic play. The borders between reality, ancestry and fantasy make less sense.

On Planet ME, you are welcome to a space of facilitated play where we can move beyond gender, sexuality, race and other limiting norms of society.

Planet ME is sober and drug free. Here we don’t eat meat and we speak the languages of consciousness, consent, play, intimacy, honesty and English.

We’re hoping to see you at Planet ME!

/Li Storm, Lady Zafira & Pontus Grace

How do I join?

Go here and sign up: https://planet-magic-ecstasy.confetti.events/

On Planet ME our population is diverse. People of all colors, who are trans, cis, unicorns and aliens, who are young and old and come from different corners of our physical and social world. To achieve this beautiful mix, you are invited to apply to join our planet by filling out an application form where you will be asked to share a little bit about yourself. Once the application is received, you will hear from us shortly.

Preliminary Schedule

Thursday May 13th - Opening ritual, getting to know each other, setting boundaries and intentions

Friday May 14th: Facilitated play & dance celebration

Saturday May 15th: Kinky workshops and play night

Sunday May 16th: Love spa and closing ceremony

For further questions please email: planetmagicecstasy@gmail.com

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://planet-magic-ecstasy.confetti.events/   planetmagicecstasy@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare