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Shibaricamp 2021

⏰️Måndag 9 augusti 2021 — söndag 15 augusti 2021, klockan 12:00 — 14:00
📍️Smögen (Västra Götalands län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Visit our webpage for the complete story and all the information!

About Shibaricamp

We want to create a camp where everybody feels welcome and respected for who they are, regardless of gender, body type, ethnicity, and all the other things that far too often negatively impact how we are treated in society at large. Shibaricamp wants to nourish a spirit of community, prestigelessness, and playfulness, where it is easy to set your own personal boundaries and then go absolutely crazy within them.

What is it?

Shibaricamp is a week long, recurring kinky summer-camp, with a focus on rope bondage. It takes place on the west coast of Sweden during the second week of August every year. It is intimate and cozy camp aimed at everybody who are passionate about rope bondage, and it has an atmosphere of community and co-creation.

We want to create a camp where everybody feels welcome and respected for who they are, regardless of gender, body type, ethnicity, and all the other things that far too often negatively impact how we are treated in society at large. Shibaricamp wants to nourish a spirit of community, prestigelessness, and playfulness, where it is easy to set your own personal boundaries and then go absolutely crazy within them.

For whom is it?
Previous experience

The only thing you need in order to enjoy Shibaricamp is a love for rope. Participants range from those experienced with rope, who come to hone their skills, to the beginners who are curious to learn. If a class requires a certain type of previous experience, this will be posted, and we will try to plan the schedule so that the parallel class does not.

Don’t be afraid to come alone

Most people come to the camp with someone to tie with, but there’s also many who come alone and/or want to tie with more than their regular partners. If you want to find someone before you come, we suggest that you post in the Shibaricamp group on Fetlife or the Fetlife event or the Darkside (Fetopia) event.

During camp we will facilitate several opportunities to match up and find someone to tie with.

Safety and well-being

We wish to create opportunities for learning and developing for everyone in a safer space that encourages exploration, regardless of gender, role and sexual expression. Camp participants are encouraged to be there for each other when someone needs a hug or someone to talk to, and the atmosphere at camp is usually warm and familiar.

We expect that you practice consent and do not violate others', or your own, boundaries. A no is always a no, and doesn’t need to be motivated.

Practical information
When is it?

Shibaricamp always takes place during week 32, which this year (2021) means arrival is on August 9 and departure is on August 15.

Where is it?

The venue is a summer camp situated nearby the town Smögen, a little over an hour's drive north from the city of Gothenburg in the beautiful countryside of Bohuslän, Sweden.

Getting here is easy. From the airport or the train station in central Gothenburg you can get here by train, bus or car, and people often rideshare.
(A more detailed description will be available to participants closer to August.


Unfortunately the venue is not accessible with a wheel chair. The houses are old and the surroundings are not very flat.

About the tickets
How do I get a ticket?

The investment needed for a ticket to Shibaricamp is committing to co-creating camp, which includes taking care of the people and the place, e.g. helping to clean on the last day. You also need to pay for a ticket.

Application for tickets opens on May 17th, 2021 and stay open until May 28th (there will be a form on this website for registering during that time only).

You apply for a ticket, and after processing the applications we will let you know if you get one. It is then reserved for you; it's is really yours first after your payment has been completed.

Curated reservations

The available reservations are not allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

In order to nourish an atmosphere that feels both dynamic and safe, we think it is necessary to curate the available tickets in a way that makes the group of participants at camp well-balanced in terms of experiences, roles, genders, nationalities, etc.

Contact us

Please send us an email at info@shibaricamp.se or connect using Instagram. We are also present on Fetlife, Darkside, and Facebook We’d love to hear what you think or answer your questions!

Shibaricamp.se , Instagram, Darkside, Fetlife

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://shibaricamp.se   info@shibaricamp.se   vCalendar export  


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Medianbetyg 5

Recensering av denna händelse är inte möjlig, då den ägde rum för alltför länge sedan.

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32 intresserade
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