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East African Tantric Kitchen Party

⏰️Måndag 18 oktober 2021, klockan 18:30 — 21:15
📍️Skeppargatan 6, stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Evenemanget riktar sig till Kvinna, Transkvinna.
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Tanzanian Kitchen Party - A Women’s ritual - East African Tantra

Welcome to an intimate ritual for womxn!

Learn to:
- Love your body
- Awake your inner pleasure through dance
- Move your hips to increase freedom and sensation
- Prepare yourself and your partner for lovemaking
- Enjoy love-making on your own terms.
- Explore being both the active and receptive role in lovemaking.

In Tanzanian tradition before a woman gets married, she goes through a ritual commonly called a ”Kitchen party”. It is a ceremony with other women where she learns about how she can enjoy herself as a powerful woman, how to boost her relationship and how to become the best possible lover.
The key is lying in our own body, how we can move and use our fantasy to feel our sensual energy rising from within. Only when you love to be in your own skin will you be able to attract others.

In this ritual, one also learns about one's own body, about hygiene, and how to feel good in one's home.
In the modern world, media teaches women that how we should look to please others. It makes many women insecure and they are left feeling that they are not enough, that they need to follow a beauty standard to be liked by others.
Instead in Tanzania and many other African cultures, you learn how to find your libido from a place of self-love, only after you feel good in yourself are you ready to give pleasure to the people that you love.
This is an opportunity to take part in a traditional kitchen Party led by Julieth Chuwa from Tanzania and Li Tadaa

For who? For you who identifies as a womxn and are attracted to any gender. This event goes deep into expressing our sensuality so you need to be ready and expand beyond your shyness! If you feel stuck and easily disconnect from your body, you are welcome when you feel safer in yourself.
In Tanzania traditionally women are taught how to satisfy and enjoy being with their husbands before marriage, but these teaching work independently of the gender of your partner and whether you are getting married or not!

This is an intimate event! This means that we will be interacting with each other and play intimately with each other. Only come if you feel safe enough to be close to others and please stay home if any symptoms. You can also come with a female friend or partner.
There will be snacks, herbal tea and Julieths erotic super shot! Julieth will also offer you a package of free herbs.

When? Monday Oct 18

Where? Dansterapicentrum at Östermalm, Skeppargatan 6.

Price: 450 Normal Price - 300 Students.
Read more and sign up:


About Julieth Chuwa
Julieth or Mamma Afrika, was born in Tanzania, under the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzania is a very peaceful country, where the people are very generous, kind, helpful smiling people and very friendly. Guest are welcome to dance with us and learn our tradition and culture.
Tanzania yetu Hakuna Matata!
In Tanzania we don’t have problems!

Julieth is a physiotherapist and specialized in Healing Massage by using herbs & massage. She also works with wellness tourism to Tanzania.
Julieth’s family name is Chuwa which means: Treatment & Cure.
This name was given to her ancestors and family members, because of their ability to heal people through massaging of specific points akin to the practice of acupuncture in a cultural way.
Julieth learned traditional herb and massage teachings from her grandmother and mother since she was a young girl in Tanzania and how these can cure various diseases.

Since she was 20 she started to learn the traditional s*x education and has since many years run Kitchen parties in Sweden for those who are getting married or others.
To learn more see: www.magicstones.se

About Li Tadaa
Li works as an intimacy and lust coach in Stockholm supporting mainly women in getting in contact with their body, its emotions, and lust.
Li has worked as a dancer and dance teacher for many years and as a s*x educator at RFSU since 2015.

Li lived and worked in Mozambique for three years and visits yearly while continuing her research in dance, movement and sensuality. After studies in tantra and traditional sensual teachings in Mozambique Li runs her unique courses combining lust, sensuality and dance.
Read more at www.dancefromtheroot.com

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/4676915632329788   li@litadaa.com   vCalendar export  


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