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⏰️Fredag 3 december 2021, klockan 18:00 — 18:30
📍️Dagstorpssjön, Höör (Skåne län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Andy Buru is coming to Skåne again and this time we welcome you to a whole weekend of bonding rituals, beautifully surrounded by the amazing nature.

This is for both experienced and beginners, you just need the basics and you can find it for free here:

In this workshop, we will work towards three different roping rituals with their unique themes and challenges.

The first ritual centres around tying with strangers to celebrate that every rope encounter is unique. Depending on how much trust two people can build in, their mostly non-verbal practice decides how deep the meeting will be. Preparing for this ritual, we will learn to establish trust through body language, tie blindfolded, and discover the edge while being both safe and brave simultaneously, in both the roles of tying or being tied. We will focus on simple building blocks for improvisation that require little preknowledge and boot camping them into muscle memory.

The second ritual is about being seen in our power and vulnerability. Together we will enter a slow and wordless communal play space where we follow our attractions and honour our rejections. During an evening, you will get to tie and be tied by many different people or witness others in doing so. Building up to this ritual, we will explore tempo and transitioning between tying and witnessing. Using taboos and fantasies, we will fuel our play with passion and vulnerability. Technically you will learn how to restrict and shape the body to give an emotional imprint. We will dive into some Japanese narratives that made rope bondage to what it is today and how that merges with our local culture—love, melancholy, devotion, and freedom.

The third ritual is about falling deeply into surrender to see how our bodies adjust to challenges if we can stop fighting. The lessons ring true in rope bondage and life’s hardships in general. We will explore the paradox of letting go of responsibility while taking loving care of our bodies. Technically, you will learn how to tie stable structures while holding a meditative presence for your partner. Do it properly, and the force of gravity will be on your side. You will be challenged in reading your partners reactions and trusting your intuition. This ritual will form a deep bond with your partner while learning how to trust your tying skills

About Andy:
"Andy is a student of theatre, a medical massage therapist, a former organizational coach, a conscious kinkster, and a teacher of European and Japanese rope bondage. Living in Stockholm, Sweden and working around northern Europe. During his fifteen years of BDSM, he has been a slave, an owner, a hedonist, a purist, a magician, and a slut. His work aims to create magical rooms where people can rest, heal and grow. The tools, spirit and experience spring from neuro-semantic team building, medical massage therapy, European theatre, and Japanese rope bondage. Andy work with both groups and individuals, and love that the world is allowed to be complicated because that makes every meeting unique. His time in Japan engraved the presence, passion and embrace for the glimpse of zen that exists in every movement of life – and this he gladly shares with you in a session, workshop, or with a cup of tea."

We are spending the weekend at Nya Hallaskog just by Dagstorpssjön, outside of Höör.
It is just by the lake where we can take a cold bath after the sauna or sit by the fire and soak it all in.
You can get here by car or take the train/bus to Höör and the rest of the way by car.
(we can arrange a pickup if you don’t find a match in the carpooling thread that will be posted later on.)

You and your partner, lover or friend will be given your own private room so you can have your private space as well during the weekend.

You will be served 3 delicious vegetarian meals a day and fruits in between. Let us know if you have any allergies or other preferences.

18.00-19.00: Arrival and landing
19.00-22.00: Workshop
22.00-00.00: Sauna and fireplace

8.30-9.30: Breakfast
10.30 -13.00: Workshop
13.30-14.30: Lunch
15.00 -18.00 Workshop
18.30-19.30: Dinner
19.30 - Free play, sauna and fireplace

8.30-9.30: Breakfast
9.30-12.30: Workshop
Cleaning out your space
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.30-17.30: Workshop
17.30-18.30: Dinner and goodbye for now

Your investment will be:
The First 4 couples: 4000kr/person
The fifth couple and up: 4500kr/person
To secure your spot and if you have any questions contact Sophine at 8ewara8@gmail.com

We are looking so much forward to seeing you all and spending a whole weekend bonding in ropes with you!
Sophie and Andy

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.andyburu.se   8ewara8@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare


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