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⏰️Fredag 26 augusti 2022
📍️Norrtälje (Stockholms län)
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The festival will take place in our hometown Norrtälje, 70km north of Stockholm, at Pythagoras Industrimuseum (note that the venue has changed from the first announced location, Kärleksudden, to Pythagoras). Pythagoras is one of the world's few remaining and intact industrial museums, and is located on high ground just 100m from the center of the town. Our festival will take place in the museums courtyard and are within short walking distance from both the buss terminal and bigger car parkings (the venue is located very central so there are no parking spaces connected directly to the festival). A few meters from the entrance you will also have a beautiful view over the entire city.
How to get there

For travelers by bus from Stockholm: There are several options for traveling to the festival. Buses goes frequently between Stockholm and Norrtälje. If you are planning to take the bus from Stockholm, the buss 676 leaving from Tekniska Högskolan to Norrtälje busstation. The festival’s schedule is adjusted to the buses departure from Norrtälje, you will be able to take the bus back to Stockholm after the festivals ending. The festival is located inside of the town. You can easily walk from the bus station, a walk of possible 10 minutes.

The bus company: https://sl.se/en.

Visitors by plane: For visitors from abroad it’s possible to go by bus directly from Arlanda airport to Norrtälje bus station with UL 806 and bus 677 (make sure to buy tickets before you enter the buses or have your bus card filled, the buses are from two different bus companies). You can buy the tickets for the buses at the airport. Take bus 806 from Arlanda to Åby-Långhundra, there you change to bus 677 to Norrtälje bus station. Even though the buses are from two different bus companies they are coordinated for this route.

For calculating your route, visit: https://www.ul.se/en

Visitors by own boat: Since Norrtälje is located next to the water, it is possible to visit by using your own boat. The guest harbor lies close to the festival area.
For more info see: http://www.upplevroslagen.se/gasthamn-norrtalje/

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare

Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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