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Video Content Model
⏰️Tisdag 26 april 2022, klockan 10:30 — 15:00
⚠️Evenemanget riktar sig till Kvinna.
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Female between the ages of 20 - 30 are wanted

Any female who fantasizes, wants to try or is used to being in front of the camera are invited to show interest
for the coming xxx video shoot for online content. If you want to bring your friend to the shoot it is also accepted
The faces of participants WILL NOT BE SHOWN in the finished content and identities will be kept private,
so you can have a lot of fun while fulfilling your wildest fantasies.

The shooting will be stopped if the participant wishes to change her mind and video or any material will be
discarded as per participant's wish. This is totally based on your consent.

This day will be interviewing all who showed interest after answering few questions prior to the interview day.
All interviews will be conducted online via zoom (link will be provided to the interviewees) and time schedule for
each. It's kind fun having your video of you best moment for everyone to see without them knowing it's you ;

This has been a long time plan and its time to raise the fun
Let's make it happen

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