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Falling in love as a kink!

⏰️Tisdag 17 maj 2022, klockan 18:00 — 21:00
📍️Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.  Evenemanget riktar sig till Kvinna, Transkvinna, Agender, Gender fluid.
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Welcome to Falling In Love as a Kink ritual!

This journey of Tantra and Kink is for me an exploration of how we can choose what energies and polarities to explore within us, instead of waiting for things to happen to us. It is taking energies, emotions, and magic into our own hands.

The experience of falling in love is both cliché and edgy! So many people deeply desire to feel it, while we also ridicule the romantic games that may actually invite us to increase our chances to fall in love, and experience such emotions in a fuller way. Another aspect is that when we do fall in love, we open ourselves to vulnerability, longing, and child-like neediness - it can be f*cking scary.

Are we "good" at being in the state of falling in love?
I actually like the Swedish work "förälskelse" better, there is no falling in it, just being, but with lots of sensation and butterflies.
What if we could separate the sensation of being in love from both sexual and romantic desires and just allow ourselves to fall in love as soon as an energy matches, and just enjoy it?
I'm falling in love more and more often with friends, colleagues, and teachers - and I love it, it's just an emotion like any other, but a really great one!

In this workshop, we will practice letting ourselves fully go into falling in love with each other, and see if we can make it real so that we can learn the skills to invite more of this in any relationship that we want to spice up.

In our classes we will practice together and with each other, meaning we will change partners. It is therefore good if you feel comfortable being physically close to new people and feel some confidence in being able to take care of your own basic boundaries.

We will also actively work on creating a safe space and practice asking ourselves what we want and not, and communicate this.

For whom?
For womxn, cis & trans. In this queer-welcoming space, we play with switching and questioning traditional gender definitions to expand our own fluidity.

The official language will be English unless everybody speaks Swedish, but Swedish is welcome for sharing

Tuesday 18-21

Stockholm Skeppargatan 6

Drop-in 400kr


About me:

Li is a dancer as well as a lust and intimacy coach who has explored, studied and taught different styles and methods for more than 15 years. Their research focuses on movement as a tool for healing, self-expression, and our innate gender fluidity. They have since then founded “Life Is Rhythm”, “Dance into Your Lust,” and ”Move into Kink” which includes aspects of their experience in Africa, as well as dance and movement therapy, tantra, conscious kink, and somatic trauma therapy. To read more, visit www.litadaa.com or follow them at Instagram @lustcoach.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   litadaa.com   li@litadaa.com   vCalendar export  


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