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Cock Charming Master Class - English version

⏰️Tisdag 4 oktober 2022, klockan 19:00 — 21:00
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Admit it - we all wanna be bona fide cock charmers!

In this class, you will learn everything you need to know but didn't learn in school (or porn) about how male sexuality actually works, from brain and hormones to heart and cock. Combined with LOTS of hands-on tips and tricks on how to make you the ultimate partner for people with dicks - and to deepen your relationship with your own dick if you have one.

- Learn everything you didn't know about the penis - how it works, its unknown sweet spots and how to reach and treat them, and new techniques to enhance pleasure. Have a dildo or banana (or partner) at hand when watching, and work along with me!

- We'll settle the score with the myths surrounding male sexuality: Men always want sex, men are driven by their desire and have an uncomplicated desire (anything goes!) and are genetically programmed to sleep around - and they all LOVE blow jobs!

- All my best tips and tricks to give each unique penis the best possible pleasure and attention (and the person it is attached to as well)

- Lots of books, podcasts, toys and other resources to help you get the best out of your sex life

- If you watch the livestream, ask your questions in the chat

This class is great both if you already have a fulfilling sex life but want to dive deeper and learn more, or if you are struggeling with desire and pleasure and want to access them more easily.

I'm in! How do I get access to the class?
To watch the live stream: When you puchase your ticket, you will create an account, log in a few minutes before the streaming starts. You can watch and ask questions in the chat. After, you can replay the video unlimited for 90 days when logged in to your account.
Buy your ticket here: https://boon.tv/sexinspiration/cock-charming-master-class-english-version

To watch later: When you puchase your ticket, you will create an account. When you log in, you will have access to the class video. You can replay the video unlimited for 90 days when logged in to your account

Who am I?
My name is Marika Smith and I'm a sex inspirator, with 20 years experience of coaching, classes and other forms of sex ed. Read more about me at my website www.sexinspiration.se

For any technical difficulties, email christian@boon.tv.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://boon.tv/sexinspiration/cock-charming-master-class-english-version   marika@sexinspiration.se   vCalendar export  


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