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Oral Sex Master Class - English version

⏰️Måndag 19 september 2022, klockan 19:00 — 21:00
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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This is the online version of my famous oral sex class for all genders and orientations!
A fun and exciting crash course when you want to up your sex game and become an unforgetable lover. You get to learn both simple yet effective and more advanced techniques for plesuring a partner orally. Since you get the secret tricks for both vulvas and penises you won't only become an expert in GIVING oral, but also in guiding your partner to what feels good for YOU, and get a great experience in both ends (and make them love you for making them feel like pro's too!).

We will work our way through everything from genital anatomy to hot communication skills, and then practice on the juicy fruits of the current season, sweets and more. There will be lots of laughter, but also a substantial upgrade of your over-all sex life. I will show and tell on the screen, and you can mimic the moves and go to town on the fruit in the privacy of your own home. A blow job boot camp and pussy pleasing palooza, all in one!

This is what you need at hand:
- 1 banana, preferably slightly green/unripe
- 1 soft, ripe plum, or half an orange, cut lenghtwise
- 1 condom
- 1 sphere shaped lollypop

I'm in! How do I get acess to the class?
To watch the live stream: When you puchase your ticket, you will create an account, log in a few minutes before the streaming starts. You can watch and ask questions in the chat. After, you can replay the video unlimited for 90 days when logged in to your account.
Buy yor ticket here: https://boon.tv/sexinspiration/oral-sex-master-class-english-version

To watch later: When you puchase your ticket, you will create an account. When you log in, you will have access to the class video. You can replay the video unlimited for 90 days when logged in to your account

Who am I?
My name is Marika Smith and I'm a sex inspirator, with 20 years experience of coaching, classes and other forms of sex ed. Read more about me at my website www.sexinspiration.se

For any technical difficulties, email christian@boon.tv.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://boon.tv/sexinspiration/oral-sex-master-class-english-version   marika@sexinspiration.se   vCalendar export  


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