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Joan von Brook till Rephuset
⏰️Lördag 17 juni 2023 — söndag 18 juni 2023, klockan 09:00 — 15:00
📍️Rephuset, Bjuv (Skåne län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Joan von Brook & Luke kommer till Rephuset

De kommer att ge två klasser, en på lördagen och en på söndagen.

"Movement and improvisation in partials" och en klass som handlar om axlar - "Shoulders in TK". Senast de var i Sverige var som lärare på Shibaricamp och nu finns det ett tillfälle till att få ta del av deras undervisning. En presentation av dem finns under klass beskrivningarna.

Det finns plats för alla som deltar i workshoparna att sova i Rephuset, det finns gott om sängar här. Vi lagar mat tillsammans och tillbringar helgen ihop. Alla intäkter går till mat, förbrukningskostnader och till Joan & Luke. Rephuset drivs helt ideelt. Exakt kostnad vet vi inte än men det kommer att landa på ca 2500.-/par. Vi kommer att ha plats för 8-10 personer. Så skynda att anmäla er.

Undervisning sker på engelska.

Kom, det blir kul


Movement and improvisation in partials
Saturday 17. June 2023
(6 hour workshop + lunch break)
In this workshop, you will explore how to navigate your partners body in partial suspensions through continuous movement. Key part of having flow between positions as a rigger is listening to your partners body at the same time as giving impulses to it. For models, it is crucial to be body-aware. We will practice and deepen both in this workshop.
However, improvisation tends to be sometimes uncomfortable. We will use sturdy harness such as butt basket suitable for any body-type to have a safe and comfortable support for some exercises. Having support, it will be reachable for anybody to have enough space to flow, move and maybe even dance in ropes. Sometimes, we will remove support to have even more unique options across whole group.
During the day, we will discover possibilites to open, close and twist models body or all of it with ultimate respect to mobility and flexibility of your partner.

Necessary level:
Riggers need to know safe tie-offs and have some experience with (partial) suspensions. Models should have positive attitude to movement.

Shoulders in TK
Sunday 18. June 2023
(3 hours)
Takate kote is one of the most often used harnesses for suspensions. One of the biggest health risks, aside from nerve injuries, is hurting models shoulders. We can, however, significantly lower the latter by practically knowing how to „lock“ our partners arms into position and for models, how to manage their own body in TK during positions.
First part of the workshop will consist of basic anatomy and practical exercises how to assess models flexibility and locking almost everyone into TK. We will include basic procedure when locking is not possible or sucessful.

Second part will include exploring different positions in suspension. We will show you how models activity together with properly locked position drastically affects comfort in TK, especially for hypermobile bodies. We will experience gyaku ebi (face down), vertical and torsion in suspension. It will not be necessary to do full suspesions as you can easily achieve positions by raising your partners legs and/or being low to the ground.

Necessary level:
Riggers need to know how to tie any TK suitable for suspension, safe tie-offs and have some experience with (partial) suspensions.
Models should have positive attitude to activity and movement in ropes and be eager to give riggers feedback.

Bring with you:
- Comfortable clothes
- At least six full-length ropes
- Ring or at least three carabiners
- Sling if necessary
- Bed linnen (if possible)
- Towel
- Tooth brush

Joan von Brook & Luke
Joan von Brook is a presenter, perfomer, rope bottom, rigger and co-founder of Subspace studio in Prague, Czech Republic. She is a shibari addict since 2013.

First as a rope-bottom, but almost immediately started also tying actively. As a rigger, she is mostly influenced by Soptik and Nicolas Arnoys. As a bottom, she greatly benefits from her experience with challenging ties, especially with Naka ryu, Yoroi-ryu and from bottoming for Tifereth. Her passion in teaching is creating hands-on fun multilevel exercises around experience of models and riggers. Loves to focus on bottoming both for floor work and suspensions. Has various sports and dancing background, loves to look at body and mind as a inseperable unit.

Luke started his rope journey two years ago as a rigger and a year ago began to participate as a rope bottom. He loves to switch between different styles and explore all kinds of ways of tying. Recently fell in love with Naka style and loves to dance with ropes. He focuses mainly on body awareness, movement, and touch while tying or being tied.
When they teach together, while creating fun atmosphere, each share their experience from both sides of rope.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https:rephuset.se   hello@rephuset.se   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare


Recensering av denna händelse är inte möjlig, då den ägde rum för alltför länge sedan.

7 deltar
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
97 intresserade
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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