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Workshop - Shibari & Sensualitet / Sensual Tying - Tamandua & Briki
⏰️Fredag 1 september 2023, klockan 18:30 — 21:45
📍️Stora Essingen (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.  Annat krav (se nedan).
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Lekfokuserad kvällsworkshop i knytande med Tamandua och Briki

Den här workshopen ges på svenska med engelska vid behov.
Behöver du översättning av texten nedan vänlig kontakta via mail!


It's no secret that shibari has an arousing pull that attracts a large number of people. The intention behind this class is to explore the erotic potential of floorwork.

Perhaps the most obvious element of attraction is the conscious act of giving and receiving control, and the heightened state created through focused attention of the act. A type of attention often described as objectifying in affectionate and cruel ways.

There are also the fetishistic qualities which are unique to rope; the way it grips and asserts force on the body, how it moves across the skin and in positions we associate with a certain emotional charge.

A few relatively simple ties will be taught, using 1-4 ropes each, to research the importance of choices in areas such as body manipulation and the quality of rope 'touch' to provoke and preserve sensual tension.

This workshop is not meant to tell truths about how to feel, or what dynamic an erotic tying session should contain, but to give tools and inspiration to play.


Tying couples should feel enthusiastic about exploring sensual and intimate rope together. For safety reasons, you should know your tying partner prior to the class in order to feel confident about your ability to communicate with each other.

People tying need to know (at least) basic tying skills well, such as being able to make single-column tie, double-column tie and simple harnesses without step-for-step instruction.

Switching is allowed between exercises but not within in order not to rush through things.


A kit of single ply jute ropes sold for the purpose of shibari/kinbaku, around 6mm thick. Minimum 4 ropes of ca 7,5-8 meters length plus 1 cut into a couple of shorter bits.
Ropes from hardware stores, or from sex stores intended for bedroom bondage are not recommended!

Safety shears


100€ per par/couple

Apply to / Registrering genom mail till tamanduaengstrom@gmail.com

Evenemangets tag: #Shibari – Bilder  Dagböcker  Alster 

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   tamanduaengstrom@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Medianbetyg 5

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16 deltar
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
72 intresserade
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