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Lustful Celebration - Open House

⏰️Söndag 3 september 2023, klockan 17:30 — 20:00
📍️S:t Paulsgatan 39 C, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
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To celebrate the harvest season and bring all of the fantastic people around me together I'm inviting you for a celebrational evening!

Sign up to attend:

This is for all people in my network, friends, clients, festival participants, and others who want to enjoy an evening of pleasure and experience my work and company.

This evening is for all people, young, old, queer & straight. As a gender-fluid being I always invite people to explore their own fluidity that we all have as human beings.

Connection is essential and I learned to be in a relationship with people, nature, and spirits. In the world we live in, everything is seen for its functionality; nature, people, and even our bodies. Instead, let us tune in and be in a relationship with the world.

The theme of this particular evening will also be “to grow up” what is it to be aware of childhood needs but not live from them? Come to explore thriving from the best version of you.

Welcome to connect for a better world through learnings from traditional cultures!

17.30 - Arrival and mingle with snacks
18.00 - Talk - Grow Up - Let Your Best Aversion of Yourself Be the Guide of Your Life!
19.00 - Workshop - Dance, Connect, and Growing up.

Hartwickska Huset - S:t Paulsgatan 39 C

Limited spots are available, and a small registration fee is required.

150 sek per person, and 250 sek by the door. Pm me if you want to assist instead of paying a fee.

If you have to cancel your spot, let me know so that someone else can take your place. The booking fee is nonrefundable unless given to someone else to take your spot.

Sign up to attend:

Read more about me and my work at

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare