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Malmö queer munch!
⏰️Onsdag 20 september 2023, klockan 18:30
📍️A bar near Möllan, Malmö (Skåne län)
⚠️Annat krav (se nedan).
♿️Unfortunately the venue is not wheelchair accessible
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Join us for the 11th Malmö Queer Munch and let's have some fun together with other queer kinky people!
We’re back indoors!

We’re super happy that you keep showing up and also are telling your friends to join! We love the vibe we create together, it’s very cute and warm - naturally we want to continue to nurture this wonderful gathering! We will as always come up with a small socializing game to make getting to know each other even easier.

So, what is this? A bit more than an year ago we decided that it would be really nice and cozy to have a space and community just for us kinky queers who want to have some relaxed hangout with other queer perverts. To come together, socialize, share experiences and make friends.

We decided that we can create that space and community by having some queer munches*!
(Don’t know what a munch is? Read at the end of the event text)

So if you are queer, kinky and feel like socializing with fellow queer kinky people, we invite you to come and munch with us at a venue close to Möllan on Sept 20th!
Exact location will be shared closer to the event. We will be at the same venue as before, in the basement. For those of you joining for the first time - we send out location to everyone the day before the event. The place has food and drinks (non-alcoholic/with alcohol) are available for purchase, please support the space by choosing to eat there if you can! This also helps us to be able to continue booking it.

Stay home if you have symptoms of a cold!

Noteworthy to mention, by queer we mean people who are either not cisgender or not straight. Feel free to share the event with anyone who might be interested, the more the merrier!

In order to make a safer space, we won't tolerate any form of kinkshaming, racism, transphobia, transmisogyny, fatphobia or any other disrespectful behavior.
If you notice anything of that feel free to contact us organizers during or after the event.

If you are coming alone and you are new to the scene, don't worry! We will try to make the space as welcoming and warm as possible for everyone!

You can join the network on darkside for pre-/post-/inbetween events chats and socializing:

Your hosts
Synchro, Lord_woosh

* What is a munch?
A munch is the term for an informal social gathering for people interested in bdsm (and in this case specifically queer people).
Often a munch is held at a bar, café or restaurant - a public space where conversations that are unfriendly for kids can be held, and a place that is possible to come to without knowing anyone in advance.

It’s not a party or club for play, but a munch is aimed at getting to know people and create community. It can be a way to connect with local kinksters if you’re new in town or new to the scene/new to kink, but it’s also a nice type of gathering to join for those who already are frequenters of the local queer bdsm community

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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