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T4T Cafe - Having sex as a trans person

⏰️Onsdag 6 december 2023, klockan 18:30
📍️To be announced, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Annat krav (se nedan).
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Have you also been longing for an exclusively trans space where you can talk about difficult topics, learn from other trans people, and meet new trans people and bond with them?

That’s why Velvet Venus and CRS Stockholm are beginning a new exciting project called T4T cafe!

T4T cafe will be regular events (potentially monthly) where trans people gather in a safe space, have open but mediated discussions about our experiences, learn from each other and share T4T love and care!

We are starting the first meeting with the topic of having sex as a trans person!

We will be exploring topics and questions like, navigating body-positivity, gender dysphoria and euphoria in sexual settings, communicating boundaries and preferences to partners, how our other aspect of identities such as race, ethnicity, class, ability levels, etc affect our sexual experiences as a trans person, our experiences in sex parties, clubs etc among many other topics and questions!

We will also share our resources on this topic with each other!

*******IMPORTANT TO KNOW*******
- We are asking for a donation to CRS Stockholm (50-100 kr) all the donations will be spent on rent. If you cannot afford this, or paying this will stress you out in any way, you are more than welcome to skip this and your donation will be gladly covered by Velvet Venus
- You have to sign-up in order to participate ( https://velvetvenus.se/en/t4tsingup/ )
- The location will be only sent to the people who have signed-up one day before the event, please don’t share the location with others (it's about 10 min train ride from Stockholm C + 10 minute walk)
- You need to be over 18 years to participate
- Vegan fika will be provided, you can also bring your own fika as long as it is vegetarian
- No alcohol or drug consumption please! Neither before nor during the event!
- Everyone who doesn't identify as cisgender is welcome to come.
- We have ZERO tolerance of racism, ableism, fatphobia, -transmisogyny, transmedicalism, anti non-binary discourses, lesbophobia, bi+ phobia, kinkshaming and all the other nasty things.
- No policing on anyone’s gender identity (or lack of), sexuality (or lack of) will be tolerated either/ also please do not assume anyone’s pronouns.
- The event will be held in English
-There is no pressure to talk or share during the evening, you can participate in the discussion as much as you want!
- There are limited spots available so if you sign up and then know that you cannot participate please let us know so we give your spot to another trans person!

******* TIME *******
December 6
The doors will be open from 18.30.
Doors close at 19.00. Please be on time.
The evening ends at 21.30.

******* HOSTS *******
Mira, Eric and Annica will be your hosts during the night! You can reach out to them if you feel unsafe or need help with anything.


What is CRS Stockholm?
CRS Stockholm stands for The Center for Radical Sexuality Stockholm and is a safer space for queers of all genders to explore kink, bdsm, consent and radical desire. CRS focuses on sharing practical knowledge, facilitating play events and offers a weekly program in their premises in Stockholm. Look for CRS Stockholm on Darkside and Facebook for more information.

What is Velvet Venus?

Velvet Venus is a small community-based and feminist sex shop by queer people and for queer people!

the event is also shared on facebook in case you want to invite friends who are not on ds

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://velvetvenus.se   info@velvetvenus.se   vCalendar export  


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