Kink Convention 22.-25. August 2024 Der kan opstå ændringer i forhold til undervisere og workshops bl.a. men lige nu er det KUN tilføjelser
Er du klar til at tage dine BDSM-oplevelser til det næste niveau? Hvad med en hel weekend dedikeret til kink og leg? Det er præcis, hvad Kink Convention kan levere. Forestil dig en tre-dages ekstravaganza fyldt med indlæring, der er fokuseret på kink, sociale begivenheder, der bobler over med interessante mennesker, og en forførende PlayParty om lørdagen! Tænk på det som en mini-ferie fra det almindelige liv, hvor du kan dykke dybt ned i verdenen af BDSM, genopfriske din lidenskab eller simpelthen tage en pause fra hverdagens rutiner.
Kink Convention er i fuld sving med forberedelserne, så der sker nye og spændende ting hele tiden. Hold øje!
Men hvem er Kink Convention egentlig for? Svaret er enkelt: ALLE! Uanset om du er en nybegynder, en erfaren udøver eller en ægte BDSM-ekspert, er der noget for dig. Hvis du har det mindste nysgerrighed omkring BDSM, så er dette stedet at være. Den viden, du vil få i løbet af weekenden, er uvurderlig!
Ved Kink Convention tilbyder Kink Club en fantastisk mulighed for at møde nye mennesker, lære, dele og finde friske ideer til dit BDSM-spil.
Uanset om du ønsker at finpudse dine BDSM-færdigheder eller bare ønsker at opleve den utrolige atmosfære i BDSM-communityet, er Kink Convention det event, du absolut skal prioritere. Så dyk ned i denne fortryllende verden og forbered dig på en weekend, du aldrig vil glemme!
Workshops Der vil være omkring 45 forskellige workshops afholdt af nogle fantastiske undervisere fra Danmark, såfremt det skulle blive muligt, vil der også komme 10 internationale undervisere.
De vil blive afholdt i fire spor. Så vi kan desværre ikke garantere at du kan se/høre ALLE dem du gerne vil. Så man er nok nød til at forberede sig på at udvælge hvilke workshops du helst vil opleve.
AfterParty: Slip din indre Kink løs! Forestil dig en fest, hvor du kan omsætte dagens læringer til praksis, og hvor din fantasi er den eneste grænse. Efter en dag fyldt med inspirerende workshops, inviterer vi dig til at deltage i vores Afterparty om lørdagen. Det er her, du kan kombinere dine nye færdigheder med det, du allerede ved fungerer i dit BDSM-spil.
En BDSM-fest er mere end bare en begivenhed -det er en legeplads for de kreative og nysgerrige. Det er din chance for at se andre lege, møde nye mennesker, og måske endda prøve noget nyt selv. Med alt fra bondage kors til spanking bænke vil du have adgang til en række BDSM-møbler, der kan hjælpe dig med at udforske dine grænser. Husk at medbringe dit eget bærbare legetøj!
Når det kommer til dresscode, opfordrer vi dig til at klæde dig ud og vise din unikke stil. Fra læderklæder til mørkt tøj, det handler om at udtrykke din personlighed og fejre dit BDSM-livsstil. Sorte sko eller støvler er altid et godt valg!
En energisk weekend: Søvn er overvurderet! Ja, søvn bliver der ikke meget af på Kink Convention. Men hvem har brug for søvn, når der er så meget at lære, opleve og udforske? Vi sørger for, at der er masser af energidrikke på køl, og vores kaffemaskine vil køre i døgndrift for at holde dig vågen.
Selvfølgelig skal vi alle have lidt søvn. Der er mulighed for at medbringe en luftmadras og slå lejr for natten. Men husk, denne weekend handler om at bryde grænser og leve livet fuldt ud. Så tag dine vitaminer, spænd sikkerhedsbæltet og gør dig klar til en weekend, du aldrig vil glemme!
Hvordan ved jeg, at jeg er officielt en del af Conventet? Når du er tjekket ind, får du et trendy armbånd med det ikoniske KC logo. Dette er dit VIP-pass til en verden af BDSM! Armbåndet må IKKE tages af under conventet, da det bruges i forbindelse med betaling under conventet.
Skal jeg forhånds-registrere mig de enkelte workshops? Nej, du behøver ikke at tilmelde dig vores workshops på forhånd. Men husk, sikkerhed kommer først! Derfor kan du ikke bare hoppe ind midt i en workshop, da introduktionen ofte indeholder vigtige sikkerhedsinstruktioner.
Husk at pakke dit åbne sind! Kom med et åbent sind og forbered dig på at blive overrasket! Du vil møde en mangfoldighed af mennesker, høre utallige perspektiver og meninger, opleve forskelligartede relationer og se mange unikke former for leg. Større begivenheder som denne har tendens til at bringe folk ud af deres comfort zone, så vær forberedt på nogle usædvanlige handlinger.
Se det som en lærerig oplevelse – en mulighed for at udfordre dine normer og udvide din horisont. Så tag dybt fat i din nysgerrighed, og gør dig klar til en weekend fyldt med læring, leg og uforglemmelige oplevelser!
Mad og drikkevare Det er ikke tilladt selv at medringe og og/eller drikkevare i Kink Club. Der er en velassocieret bar med drikkevare. Samt slik og chips til fornuftige priser.
Kosten under conventet er med i billetten og består af
Fredag aftensmad:
Lørdag frokost:
Lørdag aftensmad er en tillægsbillet, da maden bestilles udefra. Madbillet til lørdag aften købes seperat.
Søndag frokost: Con Pølse m/ brød & tilbehør
Er du på en opdagelsesrejse i BDSM-universet? Husk at møde verden med respekt, høflighed og tolerance. Hvis du træder ind i BDSM-livsstilen for første gang, så er det vigtigt at observere og lære. Prøv at forstå dynamikken i de relationer, du ser omkring dig. Og hvis du står overfor en situation, hvor du føler dig usikker, eller måske endda begår en fejl – frygt ikke! Det bedste du kan gøre er at fortælle den anden person, at du er ny i miljøet og er lidt usikker på, hvad der sker. De vil sandsynligvis være mere end villige til at hjælpe og forklare tingene for dig. Husk, vi var alle nye engang, og vi husker, hvordan det føles.
Men mest af alt, husk at have det sjovt og nyd rejsen! Din rejse ind i BDSM’s verden skal være spændende, lærerig og frem for alt fornøjelig. Så tag et dybt åndedrag, hold dit hoved højt og træd ind i denne fascinerende nye verden med et smil på læben og en nysgerrig ånd. Velkommen til eventyret!
Kink Convention 22.-25. August 2024
Are you ready to elevate your BDSM experiences to new heights? How about an entire weekend dedicated to kink and play? That’s precisely what the Kink Convention promises. Picture a three-day extravaganza teeming with kink-focused learning, social events brimming with intriguing people, and a seductive PlayParty on Saturday! Think of it as a mini-vacation from the ordinary life, where you can plunge deep into the world of BDSM, reignite your passion, or simply take a break from everyday routines.
The Kink Convention is in full swing with preparations, so there are always new and thrilling things happening. Stay tuned! This is not just another event; it’s a transformative journey that caters to both the curious beginners and seasoned enthusiasts in the BDSM community. So, whether you’re seeking to explore uncharted territories in your BDSM journey or aiming to enhance your already established practices, the Kink Convention is the place to be.
Get ready to step into a youthful, yet visionary space that instills a sense of trust and excitement. Embrace the innovation and forward-thinking ideas that resonate with kinksters of all ages. Reliable, dependable, and above all, fun – that’s the Kink Convention for you. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates as we continue to create an unforgettable experience!
But who exactly is the Kink Conference for? The answer is simple: EVERYONE! Whether you’re a curious newcomer, an experienced practitioner, or a bona fide BDSM expert, there’s something for you. If you have even the slightest curiosity about BDSM, this is the place to be. The knowledge you’ll gain over the weekend is priceless!
At the Kink Convention, the Kink Club offers an incredible opportunity to meet new people, learn, share, and discover fresh ideas for your BDSM play. It’s a vibrant melting pot of personalities, experiences, and perspectives – a perfect setting for fostering connections and sparking creativity.
Whether you’re looking to refine your BDSM skills or simply want to soak in the incredible atmosphere of the BDSM community, the Kink Convention is the event you absolutely must prioritize. So, dive into this mesmerizing world and prepare yourself for a weekend you will never forget! This isn’t just an event; it’s a transformative journey into the heart of BDSM, filled with discovery, learning, and unforgettable moments. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and thrilled in equal measure. Welcome to the Kink Convention – where every moment is a step towards a more exciting you!
Kink Convention Workshops Imagine a line-up of around 45 unique workshops, each one hosted by some truly fantastic instructors hailing from Denmark. These workshops are designed to cater to everyone, from curious beginners to seasoned BDSM practitioners, making it a treasure trove of knowledge and experience.
But the excitement doesn’t stop there! If circumstances permit, we’ll also be welcoming an additional 10 international instructors to our roster. This means you will have the opportunity to gain insights from different cultural perspectives on BDSM, adding a rich, global flavor to your learning experience.
So, whether you’re looking to broaden your horizons, deepen your understanding, or simply meet like-minded individuals, these workshops offer something for everyone. It’s not just about learning; it’s about growing, connecting, and becoming part of a vibrant, global community. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of exploration and discovery at the Kink Convention!
The workshops will unfold across four different tracks. This exciting format allows us to offer a wide array of topics, but it also means that you might have to make some tough decisions. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to attend every single workshop that catches your eye.
So, prepare yourself for some strategic planning. You’ll need to select the workshops that most align with your interests and learning goals. Consider this part of the adventure – a thrilling quest for knowledge where you curate your own unique journey.
AfterParty: Unleash Your Inner Kink! Picture this: a party where you can put the day’s learnings into action, and your imagination is the only limit. After a day brimming with inspiring workshops, we invite you to join our Saturday night Afterparty. This is where you can blend your newly-acquired skills with what you already know works in your BDSM play.
A BDSM party is more than just an event – it’s a playground for the creative and curious. It’s your chance to witness others at play, meet new people, and maybe even try something new yourself. From bondage crosses to spanking benches, you’ll have access to a range of BDSM furniture that can help you push your boundaries. Just remember to bring your own portable toys!
When it comes to the dress code, we encourage you to dress up and show off your unique style. From leather outfits to dark attire, it’s all about expressing your personality and celebrating your BDSM lifestyle. Black shoes or boots are always a good choice!
So let’s get ready to paint the town red (or black)! The AfterParty is where the magic happens – where lessons learned become experiences lived. Embrace the night, let your hair down, and dive head-first into an evening filled with exploration, connection, and unadulterated fun. Get ready to unleash your inner kink and celebrate your journey into the enchanting world of BDSM.
An Energized Weekend: Sleep is Overrated! Indeed, sleep takes a back seat at the Kink Convention. But who needs sleep when there’s so much to learn, experience, and explore? We’ve got you covered with plenty of energy drinks on ice, and our coffee machine will be working round the clock to keep you buzzing.
Of course, everyone needs a little shut-eye. You’re welcome to bring an air mattress and set up camp for the night. But remember, this weekend is all about pushing boundaries and living life to the fullest. So pop your vitamins, fasten your seatbelt, and get ready for a weekend you’ll never forget!
So here’s to a weekend of discovery, connection, and unabashed fun. A weekend where sleep is a footnote, and the story is all about exploring new horizons in the vibrant world of BDSM. Get ready to immerse yourself in a whirlwind of knowledge, experience, and adventure that will leave you buzzing with energy and brimming with unforgettable memories. After all, who needs sleep when you’re having the time of your life?
How Do I Know I’m Officially Part of the Convention? The moment you check in, you’ll be gifted a trendy wristband emblazoned with the iconic KC logo. This isn’t just a piece of jewelry – it’s your VIP pass to a world of BDSM!
It’s more than an accessory; it’s a symbol of your adventurous spirit and curiosity. It’s a tangible reminder of your commitment to exploration, growth, and the unique journey you’re embarking upon.
Keep it on at all times during the convention, as it’s linked to all payments made throughout the event. It’s your ticket to seamless transactions and hassle-free experiences. But remember, this wristband is more than just a tool or accessory. It’s a badge of honor, a token of belonging, a passport to a realm of discovery and excitement. Wear it with pride and let it serve as a constant reminder of the thrilling journey you’re about to embark on. Welcome to the Kink Convention, where the bold dare to tread.
Do I Need to Pre-Register for Individual Workshops? No, you don’t need to pre-register for our workshops. We believe in spontaneity and the freedom to follow your curiosity. But remember, safety is our top priority! It’s not just about fun and games; it’s about exploring and learning in a secure environment.
So while we encourage you to drift between workshops as your interest guides you, we ask that you respect the integrity of each session. Jumping into a workshop midway could mean missing out on vital safety instructions often shared at the beginning.
We’re all about pushing boundaries, but safety is the tether that keeps our wild exploration in check. The world of BDSM is thrilling, but it’s also an environment that requires mutual respect and understanding. So, follow your curiosity, but always with an eye on safety. After all, a safe journey is the most exciting journey of them all.
Remember to Pack Your Open Mind! Come with an open mind and prepare to be amazed! You’re about to encounter a diverse tapestry of individuals, hear a multitude of perspectives and opinions, witness varied relationships, and observe numerous unique forms of play. Events like this tend to nudge people out of their comfort zones – so brace yourself for some extraordinary encounters.
Consider this a learning expedition – an opportunity to challenge your norms and broaden your horizons. So, grip your curiosity tightly and get ready for a weekend brimming with insight, play, and unforgettable experiences!
See this as a chance to dive headfirst into a pool of knowledge and discovery. This isn’t just a convention; it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. You’ll be pushed to the edge of your comfort zone, but that’s where the magic happens. So pack your open mind, fasten your seatbelt, and prepare for a wild ride through the exciting world of BDSM. This will be a weekend of learning, exploration, and unforgettable experiences that will leave you buzzing with new insights and perspectives. Embrace the unusual, challenge your norms, and let this be a transformative journey that expands your horizons like never before.
Food and Beverages Bringing your own food and beverages into the Kink Club i