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Bound♥ - Community Day
⏰️Söndag 16 juni, klockan 10:00 — 17:00
📍️Står i anmälan, Hornstull, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.  Annat krav (se nedan).
♿️Begränsad, hör av dig
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Welcome to the last Bound♥ event before the summer break.
This time we offer a lovely opportunity for all of us to share, develop, create and grow together!

The event breaks our mould a bit, with different times and format to give us the best chance to send us into summer full of inspiration and exciting new ideas!

This month we're hosting a
Community Day
Ask the questions you've never had answered, workshop a cool new way to reach deeper, and/or collaborate on developing something you've always wanted to master.
We invite you to a day all about sharing, learning and developing together.

Let's all grow together!

Format for the day
Community Day goers start here
10:00 - 10:10 - You arrive and get ready.
10:15 - Community Day starts, you enjoy a brief intro to the format and facilitated ideation to get us going.
10:30 - 13:30 Intense workshopping, discussion, laborations and discussions, ending in a final gathering to round off this portion.
Lunch break can be had at any time during discussions

Rope social goers start here
13:00 - 13:30 - You arrive for the rope social and get yourself ready. Doors lock at 13:30.
13:30 - Rope social starts, we do a playful little warm-up, and invite you to enjoy the warm inviting camaraderie for a lovely sunday afternoon.
16:30 - We do a little closing ritual, before collectively cleaning up the space.
~16:45 - High fives for a job well done, and departures.

Shared potluck fika:
Bring fika for yourself and 1-2 others, and we’ll share in the abundance.

To participate in the event you will need to go to this link and register.
Community Day & Social - 150 kr
Social only - 150 kr

After registering you will get an email with the precise address.

The venue:
The venue is in central Stockholm, near Hornstull, and is equipped with sofas, and separated space for hangout and landing. There’s also a separate space available for low-social recovery.

For this sunday you might want to:
* Arrive on time, we will lock the doors at the end of the entrance slot.
* Bring fika/snacks/food for yourself and 1-2 other to share and help all of us keep the energy up.
* Bring things you would like to use, i.e. your favourite ropes, notepad + pen, clothes you can move in, a sweater or warm socks, and anything else you think you'd enjoy for play or aftercare.

The venue has some hangers, restrooms, seating, tea, hot water boiler.
We have no way to heat or cook food.

Are you new to Bound♥?
We’re a nice, caring community who yearn for more genuinely human moments in rope, where we can bring our curiosity and heart, and together explore rope, playfulness and co-create moments of pleasure, fun and authentic sharing.
We have some expectations you’ll probably want to read beforehand.
You’re also heartily welcome to contact Neeka or Boundlove to tell us a little bit about yourself, your fears, expectations, and/or accommodations that we could help with.

We welcome anyone with interest, empathy and a curiosity towards fellow human beings, regardless of gender, sexuality or need of accommodations.
However, we might not yet have made adaptations for your specific needs, please send a message and we’ll make the space inclusive together!

Bound♥ presents
Community Day

We welcome you to our very own Community day, all about sharing, learning and developing together.
Ask the questions you've never had answered, workshop a cool new way to reach deeper, and/or collaborate on developing something you've always wanted to master.

We will host a concentrated form of unconference, inviting the community to share, ask, and create interesting topics of discussion, workshop, session, exploration, or other exciting moments.
Expect to both suggest topics, abandon them for better ones, workshop with rope, have deep discussions on the core of rope and community, as well as leave exhausted, uplifted and full of inspiration.

The day will start with a brief intro to how our unconference will run, and a short ideation exercise to suggest starting topics.
Feel free to think of your own questions, topics and similar beforehand. Maybe even post them here to get more in-depth discussion on the day!

As part of the facilitation we will offer a way to visualise topics, as well as offer a way to keep some notes that we can later digitise and share with all of the participants.

☆ What's an unconference? ☆
An unconference is a collaboratively created, facilitated space encouraging the interesting and spontaneous talks that seem to happen in the kitchen, the corridor, or just before having to go in different directions.

We will set an agenda together, and almost certainly split into separate groups where some might discuss a topic, others may workshop a rope thing, some might want to demonstrate or teach, and some might just want to listen and reflect.

Unconferences seem to work best if we all keep some common rules
Rule #1: Whoever shows up are the right people
Rule #2: Whatever happens is fine
Rule #3: Whenever it starts is the right time
Rule #4: It is over when it’s over
Rule #5: Law of two feet - go where your interest is.

Meaning: you can start or join a new topic whenever you want, and leave it when it's no longer interesting to you.
Don't worry about who should be there, or keeping to the topic, you stay as long as it's interesting to you, and then leave for another discussion.

Welcome. °•○●☆♡
Neeka & eleona

Evenemangets tag: #boundlove – Bilder  Dagböcker  Alster 

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   info@boundlove.se   vCalendar export  


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Medianbetyg 5

Recensering av denna händelse är inte möjlig, då den ägde rum för alltför länge sedan.

18 deltar
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104 intresserade
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