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BDSM and Fine arts

⏰️Lördag 14 september, klockan 12:45 — 23:50
📍️Mahalaya, Marketenterivägen 1, Göteborg (Västra Götalands län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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We love fusion. For almost two years, we have been fusing together BDSM and dance. Now we will raise ambition and fuse BDSM with other fine arts!
Welcome to a one-day festival with three workshops (drawing; dance; theater) and a jam where everything gets fused together.


13:00--15:00: BDSM & Theater
15:00--15:30: Fika (vernissage-style)
15:30--17:30: BDSM & Drawing
17:30--19:00: Dinner break
19:00--21:00: BDSM & Dance
21:00--21:30: Fika (vernissage-style)
21:30--23:30: Jam


BDSM & Theater by Johanna (hejohanna)

Johanna is a drama teacher interested in human behavior and power dynamics. She leads with assertiveness, curiosity and playfulness.

Theme: Storytelling through the body

Theater, according to Martha Vestin, is "the portrait of life, by actors, in front of an audience, here and now."
This workshop explores how we can combine theater with power exchange in order to tickle our nerves in just the right way.
As actors, we do not want to fake anything, we want to emphasize and play with what already exists inside of us. The meeting between BDSM and theatre is fitting because of their numerous points of intersection. Questions to explore are: How does being seen by an audience affect my experience? How can I feel more liberated by entering a role?
I will introduce simple exercises so that you and your co-actors can create and improvise scenes, roles and situations.
The exercises are based on the three fundamentals of theater -- the room, the actor and the audience -- and the interactions between those.
No previous experience of acting is needed. Come as you are.

BDSM & Drawing by Tanja (Vandrande_blad)

Tanja is an exceptionally talented artist, known both for the life in her drawings, and caring approach to teaching. Tanja's passions include tango, nature, live sketching, psychological aspects of BDSM and being curious.

Theme: The artist and the model

Visual art time with deep immersion into yourself and into the dynamics of submission and dominance. No previous experience in drawing is needed.
As a model, be prepared to pose both clothed and naked, be prepared to become a work of art yourself, to be objectified and fall into subspace right from the pedestal.
As an artist, be prepared to draw, to objectify and to see the most beautiful piece of art in your sub. Be also prepared turn your sub into a living scultpure and to face the public show of your artworks.
In both roles, be prepared to see and be seen, even with your eyes closed.
Last, but not least - explore how your creativity is affected by music, atmosphere and power games.

BDSM & Dance by Alex (lesperans)

Alex is a reseacher by day, a tango dancer by night and an aficionado of fusion genres at all times. He is also the mastermind behind the Dom-i-dans event series.

Theme: Defiance

BDSM is actually a kind of dance. It includes leading and following, movement, body contact, non-verbal communication and freedom which is based on restrictions. We will explore these parallels with a focus on defiance. What happens if we defy something we are taking as a given? Contact? Common sense? Consent? (OK, we are not really going to do that.) Gravity? Personality? Jantelagen? Come and help me to find more things to defy!
No dancing background is required, you must just dare to move, touch and experiment.


A fusion of all fusions, a free-play space, a multifaceted extravaganza!
After a brief intro by all three workshop leaders, you are free to explore BDSM and fine arts on your own. Both guided and unguided play will be possible.


How do I apply?

Fill in the form here: https://forms.gle/8M9E5xMwVqksyqqGA
We expect high demand, and we can offer only 22 places, so don't wait!
Responses will come to your mail, please ensure you provide a correct one, you check it regularly (including the "Spam" folder) and you respond in time!

What does it cost?

You may choose one of the following packages. The prices are in SEK.

One workshop: 200 300 (400)
One workshop + jam: 300 450 (600)
Two workshops + jam: 400 600 (800)
Three workshops + jam: 500 800 (1000)
Jam only: 200 300 (400)

How does the admittance work?

We will go through the applications approximately once a week and send out responses. Applications for the whole festival will be prioritized. We will also strive to achieve a good balance of genders, ages, couples and singles. Otherwise first come first served.

Is there a dresscode?

Put on something which makes you feel beautiful. Erotic and revealing attires are encouraged. Beware:
a) in our room you may wear what you want, including nothing. If you go outside (to the kitchen for a cup of a tea; to a toilet; to the corridor for a break), you must be decent;
b) no shoes are allowed in the room;
c) make sure you are comfortable in your clothes, especially at the dance and theater workshops, where a lot of movement is expected.
Feel free to take several sets of clothes and change!

Which artistic skills and experiences do I need?

None. You must be ready to move, to play, to draw, to touch, to communicate, but you do not need to know any techniques.

Can I register as single? Will we change partners?

Yes, you can. Yes, we will, the idea is that you get to interact with as many other participants as possible. If, however, you come as a couple (or a group) and want to stay with your partner(s), that's OK, too.

Will we change roles?

The dance and the theater workshops: yes, but we won't force you to change if you only like one role.
The drawing workshop: there will be no scheduled changes, but if you and your partner(s) decide to change, we won't stop you.

Wait, that means that if I come to the drawing workshop as single, you cannot guarantee I will get the role I want?

We will try to find you an optimal match, but no, we cannot give a 100% guarantee in this case.

I am a little bit afraid of BDSM. How dark will it be?

You decide! You will never have to do what you do not want to. The workshop leaders may offer challenging games and exercises, but it is up to you how you interpret them.
The jam is co-created by participants -- again, you decide how it goes.

I am afraid there won't be enough BDSM for me. What is allowed?

Nudity, contact, play, sessions, fun, communication. Actually, pretty much everything with the following exceptions:
a) everything must be consensual;
b) you must be aware of the risks, and the risks must be within reason. Ask the organizers if uncertain;
c) due to our landlord's request, sex is not allowed. Sex is defined as any direct stimulation of genitalia, with or without penetration.

I am queer. Will I feel comfortable at your event?

We very much hope so! As far as we can see, we are not imposing any heteronormativity.

What should I take with me?

A bottle of water. A blindfold, if you have one.
Everything that is necessary for the workshops will be provided.
For the jam, we will provide some ropes and BDSM stuff, but we encourage you to take your own tools, too.
There is no shower.

What about food?

We will provide a vernissage-style fika in the breaks. For dinner, you may bring your own food (a fully equipped kitchen is available) or go to a nearby restaurant.

Will the workshops be in English?

That's the plan. If all participants are comfortable with Swedish, we can switch to Swedish.

Will there be more events like this?

Yes, next year we will arrange "BDSM and exact sciences"!

Are you kidding?

Yes. No. We'll see.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://sites.google.com/view/dom-i-dans/   lesperans@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


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