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Pelvic Floor Somatic Healing
⏰️Fredag 20 september, klockan 18:30 — 21:00
📍️Dieselverkstaden, Marcusplatsen 17, Nacka (Stockholms län)
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Welcome to a one-time-only workshop with Li Tadaa and the guest teachers Vitória & Erzénia from Mozambique!

I thought that sensual dance, twerking, and hip movements were a legacy of the patriarchy, something women did to perform for men, but I was so wrong!!! The origin of these dances lies deeply in African sisterhood dances, where women learn to whine their waists to liberate energy and celebrate their life force and the pleasure of being a woman.
Making love with someone else starts with knowing how we make love to ourselves. With this I'm referring to learning what it feels like to relax, to surrender to my body, and know that pleasure lies within myself and does not come from the outside. It can be a spiritual experience or just an ecstatic dance experience where women support each other for liberation.
This evening, we will focus on connecting to our pelvic floor, and through hip-focused movement, we will slowly release tension, tightness, and trapped emotions, build more life force energy, and explore how that feels in the body. These hip movements and dances are a pathway to connect to sexual energy without genital stimulation.
If you experience a sexual blockage, tightness, or vaginal pain, then this will support you greatly as we will release the tension in the hip area. This will also support you get your creative juices flowing!
One of my African dance teachers once said “all doctors working with women's health should prescribe African dances” 😉
Li, with her trauma awareness, will hold the space for all emotions that might surface during this exploration. Meanwhile, Erzénia and Vitória will show how to move your hips to love yourself.

Erzénia and Vitória:
Dancers from HODI dance company in Mozambique! They grew up dancing in a culture where rhythm and dance are parts of being human. They have years of experience performing and sharing their knowledge with women from different cultures. They live in Mozambique and are visiting us for a short tour, so this is a one-time opportunity and a unique class.
Womxn with an X: We welcome nonbinary and transgender people in the space!

When & Where?
Friday September 20, 18:30-21:00
Dieselverkstaden - Marcusplatsen 17, 131 54 Nacka

Normal Income: 490sek
Low Income: 350sek

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