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Liquid Love
⏰️Fredag 13 september, klockan 19:00 — 22:00
📍️House of play, Shetlandsgade 3, Copenhagen (Hovedstaden)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Liquid love is the ultimate sensory experience. It is presence, sensuality and looooooads of oil - everything in a respectful and safe container, where you participate at your own pace. It is about breaking your brain and immersing yourself in pure sensation without doing, wanting or thinking. The only question is - what will your experience be, when you deeply immersed?


Imagine yourself being naked (or almost), blindfolded and immersed in hot, yummy oil, together with an ocean of oiled up bodies. Sounds amazing, right? It is!

The simple explanation is: After a guided workshop, a bunch of excited, beautiful humans are placed in a pool - created from plastic or a tarp - and get warm oil poured over them, before swimming around on each other.


All events are unique, but the structure remains the same: We will start together, introducing the rules and create a warm and safer atmosphere through a set of exercises, before taking clothes off and putting blindfolds on for a guided meditation to send you into this journey. During the session you can experience how exploration, movement, and surrender plays together with the warm oil to create a deep connection to the other participants. There will be several spaceholders present during the session to help you, in case you need someone to talk to, to use the toilet, have a sip of water or get oil out of your eyes, but also to have an overview to avoid consent breaches. After the session you will get a chance to wipe down and get some water, before you are sent out into the world. There are no showers available at the venue.


Liquid Love is a non-sexual, bodypositive, magical space of intimacy, sensuality and connection - and possibly a place to take your oxytocin levels through the roof. Penetration and ejaculation is not allowed and sexual predatorial behaviour will be addressed. This is not a place for your sexual intentions, but an opportunity to experience love and connection in a liberated way. We therefore ask everyone to respect the boundaries of the space, yourself and the other participants and their individual choices for touch and nakedness.


Arousal can be a natural part of sensuality and touch and it is of course welcome - as long as it is not acted upon.

We invite all genders, sexualities, body types and ages (over 18). Participating in liquid love does require some mobility and we cannot guarantee your physical experience if you are limited in that sense.

Let us expand our perception of individual preference and embrace the beauty of humans in all shapes and forms.

Be aware that this is not an event for complete beginners. We expect you to have some experience navigating consent in these types of spaces and a strong sense of integrity, and are able to understand and follow the guidelines given. Please ask ifyou are unsure.

Also to ensure everyone's safety, please be aware that you may be refused entry if you have open wounds, rashes or severe skin conditions, suffer from contagious diseases, or are physically ill. If you are unsure of this, please let us know beforehand so we can make an informed decision.

Liquid love is an invitation to travel into your own sensory universe. This requires a great deal of trust and safety. To create the safest space possible, we have an application form that you will need to fill out prior to purchase. This way we can create a diverse and safer experience for everyone attending. We will then get back to you about how to buy your ticket.
Apply here: https://www.houseofplay.dk/liquid-love-form

Price: 425 dkk for members, 500 dkk for non-members.

What you need to bring:

A towel or two that you don’t mind getting oil on.
Single use bathing suit or underwear if you do not wish to be naked.
A shower or swimmer cap if you do not wish to get oil in your hair.
Clothes that you do not mind getting a bit of oil on for the road home. There is no shower available at the venue.
Single-use blindfold (We recommend a piece of stretchy fabric)
Thomas (He/him) is an experienced tantra masseur and De-Armouring therapist based in Copenhagen. He creates sensual, holistic and healing experiences with depth and is best known for his calm demeanour and humoristic, insightful approach.

Amongst other things he is known from BEVIDST, which he co-founded, and has years of experience facilitating conscious events and retreats. He has facilitated at Copenhagen Tantra Festival, KÆRLIG tantra festival and has several years experience holding the processes of the participants of Sunny Ju’s De-Armouring retreats.

You will experience that his ability to hold space provides a safer and non-judgemental atmosphere, that promotes sensuality, sensitivity, play, transformation and personal growth as well as allowing you to be exactly who you are in the moment.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.houseofplay.dk/special-events/liquid-love   info@houseofplay.dk   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare

📣 Sprid / dela på DS 

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare