Fredag 31 januari, klockan 18:00 — 06:00 | |
📍️ | Södermalm (Stockholms län) |
⚠️ | Medlemskap krävs. Föranmälan krävs. |
♿️ | Tillgängligt på mellanplan för rullstolsburna individer |
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Cancelled due to prolonged negotiations. For instance... 🥺😢 A new venue for all hbtqia+, kinksters, swingers, all open minded and lovely people in our community 💜 Keep an eye out for more info along the way. Tickets and membership applications will be announced in various ways when all the practical matters around that is sorted. We promise that you do not want to miss THE BIG PREMIERE!!! We are working to get all up and running regarding administration so we can start on all the interior. Looking forward to that as it will be so much fun as so many offered to help us out. More info on the venue can be found in the diary of LoveCoupleSwe 🥰 Check it out |
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