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Guided Liberation
Torsdag 30 januari, klockan 18:00 — 23:00
📍️Fabriken, Kronofogdevägen 60, Spånga (Stockholms län)
⚠️Dresscode finns.  Föranmälan krävs.
♿️Det här evenemanget är tyvärr inte anpassat för människor med funktionshinder.
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Guided Liberation

A dance club for the sex-positive and a sex club for the dance-positive. No matter who you are, there is space for you to explore, grow, and thrive.

Have you longed to be in a mysterious environment with a nightclub vibe where anything can happen? We aim to meet your expectations. The evening begins by learning to communicate without words—interacting through the language of the body. We explore leadership and followership roles, then socialize freely in the roles we choose or flow in between. Here, you can be guided in a dance or movement, with technique or intention, by a hand or a leash. The choice is yours.


18:00 - 19:00: Doors open for mingling. Light refreshments, lemonades, and juices will be served. Entry is only permitted during this time, and participation in the workshops requires punctuality.


Workshop 1: 18:00 - 18:45. Body awareness and sensual expression.
We explore the body's possibilities with a warm-up through movement and examine contrasts such as slow-fast, hard-soft, and playful-serious. We conclude with a focus on presence and how to create a sensual and sexy experience.

Workshop 2: 19:00 - 19:45. Physical communication and partner dance.
We introduce tools like frame, connection points, and clear leading without adhering to a specific dance style. The focus is on understanding leading and following as a concept.

Social/ Jam: 21:00 - 23:00. Social club for music, movement, and exploration.
Participants can dance freely, within specific dance styles, or improvisationally like in contact improvisation. The venue is designed for spontaneous interaction, and it is permitted to lie down, dance, or be touched. Nothing happens without the consent of those involved.


Introductory price: 350 SEK (regular price: 450 SEK)

Dress Code

Combine sexy and comfortable. Want to enable sexual interaction? Consider layers and easily removable garments. The aesthetic is open: punk, prince or princess, Conan the Barbarian, latex, leather, or disco. Areas not intended for touch can remain covered for clarity.


Pre-registration is required. You can register via email at fabrikenfaciliterar@gmail.com or by sending a direct message (DM) to Selva.

Welcome to an evening of exploration, presence, and community!

Evenemangets tag: #GuidedLiberation – Bilder  Dagböcker  Alster 

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   fabrikenfaciliterar@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare

📣 Sprid / dela på DS 

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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