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Burlesk Kabaretkväll med uniformstema

⏰️Lördag 29 december 2012, klockan 08:00 — 01:00
📍️Bondegatan 1c, stockholm (Stockholms län)
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Burlesqueer Kabaretkväll
presenterar “At Your Service” - Obs! Alla latexuniformer är både uppskattade och välkomna!
Vi välkomnar er att festa loss inför nyårsafton på Bonden bar i sann Burlesk och Queer anda på vår Kabaretkväll - I uniform!

Oavsett om ni vill komma som servicepersonal (maid och butlers) eller hjältar på permission från fronten gläds vi om ni tittar in lördagen den 29/12 från klockan åtta till ett. Vi frossar i uniformer av alla de slag. Naturligtvis är det inte ett krav, men det uppskattas om ni klär upp er! Från oss alla till er alla - en riktigt Burlesqueer Kabaretkväll!

Burlesqueer Kabaretkväll
presents “At Your Service”
29 December 2012 - FREE ENTRY

We welcome you to join us to ring in the New Year a few days early with us at the Bonden Bar in true Burlesqueer Kabaretkväll style – in uniform!

Tonight, we are “At Your Service”, and we would love for you to come dressed in the spirit of the occasion. Perhaps you would like to be a vintage military officer on leave in your dress whites? Or perhaps just in your fatigues? Or maybe tonight you would like to join in with our vigilant staff of maids and butlers who will be also be serving in their starched aprons and caps? Or maybe would like to dress up and party like there is no tomorrow (just in case the prophecies are right).

And in just such an eventuality we have for your entertainment and education, The Radiant Miss Brave New Girl, who will give us tips and tricks for survival after the end of the world.

However, should the world not end just yet, our co-host Pippi will be serenading you through the night and to cap off the evening with have our final number – a pre New Year, faithful live action reproduction of Grevinnan och betjänten by maid(butler) Josephine and Miss Christine(Sofie), complete with our very own lion.

So come one and all, everyone is welcome as always. The only rule we have is that everyone respects everyone else who is there. There is no dress code, but we love it if you will dress as fabulously as you want to. And as always the club is absolutely FREE entry all night long.

Burlesqueer Kabaretkväll is an alternative cabaret club with an open stage for the brand new performer right up to the well-established artist to share their new work with us. Our nights have a decidedly queer kick to them, but everyone is welcome so long as they respect everyone else’s right to be in the space. And we do so love it if you would dress up for the occasion!

Bonden Bar, Bondegatan 1c, Medborgplatsen T

Saturday 29 December, 20:00 – 01:00

FREE entry

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   www.bondenbar.se   powerpippi@gmail.com   vCalendar export


Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare

Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Medianbetyg 4

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare