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The Power of Genuine Compliments
Giving a compliment can be easy, like saying "You look great." But making it truly meaningful takes more effort. It's common to see generic compliments like "gorgeous" or "perfect" used everywhere. While they might be well-intentioned, they can feel impersonal and repetitive. Maybe it is laziness, or a lack of creativity that leads to these recycled phrases. Perhapds, it's a game of numbers where you re-use the same in the vain hope of catching someone's attention without effort. Perhaps it's simply a matter of inexperience or limited vocabulary. Maybe sometimes our self-centeredness gets in the way of truly appreciating someone.

Imagine if we focused on what genuinely catches our eye, the details that make someone unique. As example, a pussy can be more than delicious, wet/dry, and tight/loose. There are so many features to the masterpiece of the female body. Smoothness, color, labia and clit thickness and shape, the overall visual experience, the taste, the way she embraces and how she climax.

By taking the time to observe and truly appreciate someone, we can craft compliments that resonate. Tell that you like the mole they might be insecure about, tell them that it shows they work out and eat healthy, tell them a myriad of things they are generous enough to share with you; whether it is a photo on Fetlife or time with a play partner.

Observe and learn and appreciate the body (and mind) of the woman to please her and enhance the whole experience.

P.S. All bodies are beautiful in their way, but I am definitely biased toward the masterpiece that is the female body.

Tillagd 14 sep 2024   Kultur- och faktaartiklar   #consent #communication #respect #boundaries #emotional_health #honesty #compliments #Vardagsuttryck #Samhälle

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