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Practical info about the 2018 Kinky Quarter in Pride Park
This year the Pride event is called Europride 2018 and is arranged by Stockholm Pride from 27/7 to 5/8 in Stockholm

The Pride Park, with Kinky Quarter as one of several areas, is open:
Wednesday 1/8: 15:30-00:00
Thursday 2/8: 14:00-00:00
Friday 3/8 14:00-01:00
Saturday 4/8: 14:00-01:00

The venue is Östermalms IP, Södra Fiskartorpsvägen 2 (same place as the last few years).

For more info about Pride Park, including directions, click here
Darksides guide to Europride 2018 in Stockholm
If you are travelling to us from far away, here is a link with a discount on the train ticket

Do you want to know more about Kinky Quarter and what we are about? Click here
We are open for all visitors to Pride Park but will have an age restriction of 18 years or above.
Your ticket to Pride Park is also valid for the Kinky Quarter. Buy your tickets here

More practical info before your visit to Pride Park and the Kinky Quarter, you find here
Rules for photography in Pride Park and the Kinky Quarter are here (Swedish text)

With scheduled events in the Kinky Quarter almost every hour we have a total of over 70 items on our program.

Program for Kinky Quarter Wednesday August 1
Program for Kinky Quarter Thursday August 2
Program for Kinky Quarter Wednesday August 3
Program for Kinky Quarter Wednesday August 4

The full program for Europride including events in Pride House, Pride Park etc is found here

More information about our participants is found below
Several of these interviews are in Swedish

Exhibitor in focus: Club Sade
Exhibitor in focus: Rope experts Peer Rope Stockholm
Kinky Quarter shopping guide for this years KK-shopping

Speaker in focus: Fetisch expert Elena
Speaker in focus: Nicklas, experienced councelor at RFSL
Speaker in focus: The optimistic sex rebel Ylva Maria Thompson

Volunteer in focus: Kristallen, a multifaceted host at Kinky Quarter
Volunteer in focus: Musse in transition

Kinky Quarter interviews Dekadance
Interview with James Lorien MacDonald, opening speaker ENGLISH TEXT!

See you this summer!
/Kinky Quarter

Find out more about Kinky Quarter here: https://desires.social/kinkykvarteret (requires free of charge login for external visitors)
Kinky Quarter informs

Tillagd 31 jul 2018   Nyheter & pressreleaser   #BDSM

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